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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Nov 28, 2017
SPC Daniel Bowen
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Responses: 18
PO3 Donald Murphy
Classic example is the cluster of sailors lost near Iran that couldn't use a compass.
CPL Dave Hoover
CPL Dave Hoover
>1 y
Many of us take for granted that the basics are taught. It is tragic when one brother or sister is lost in the nature of our call, but when it could have been prevented, the grief runs to deep.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
I agree. Less foo-foo time on how to decorate place settings and build orphanages and more time on nav basics and warfighting.
Cpl Scott McCarroll
Cpl Scott McCarroll
>1 y
I guess that being a Eagle Scout has it's advantage
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
Crazy thing is that my daughters husband got an extra "stripe" for having Eagle Scout. Definitely pays off.
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SSgt Robert Marx
I agree. Complacency among America's warfighters seems to me to get heightened through assignment of time consuming duties. Soldiers/Airmen/Marines/Sailors see the duties of watch as just a means to keep the lower rated personnel busy and know that a particular building or boat has a small chance of enemy saboteurs ever hitting it due to the fact that command & control facilities will be the enemy's first choice. Also, the ranks get filled up with people that have seen little of war due to the overseas operations get short changed in the news in favor of which celebrity did with and with whom. The 9/11 attack ranks high in the minds of people who were adults then but the kids coming up in training might not have been even born yet and so that tremendous attacks on American soil becomes ancient history. High intensity for the war fighter cannot be maintained at a high level for extended periods so the new troops see that and lose the edge they might have seen in recruit training.
LCpl Emanuel W.
LCpl Emanuel W.
7 y
I have a friend that helped change SOP for most Naval Shipyards years ago. He was part of a security detail assigned to assess the vulnerabilities of security within a certain shipyard. He got a recently used pizza box (just do the smell of pizza was there) and filled it with bars of soap that had "C-4" etched into each. He placed it on every ship there and any sensitive area he could think of. Then back to his superior to report the ease of planting the "explosive devices". Needless to say, heads rolled and security training began anew. Security measures tightened as well.
That's what happens when any of us get too complacent. I'm just glad that is was only a mock drill that was failed and not an actual attack. I think the reason some get too complacent is because they feel that they're not in a war zone so they don't have to be too vigilant. Some don't want to take their jobs seriously too. When I was in boot camp, we were taught that if you half-ass it in training, then you'll half-ass it when you need it most. Taking any part of your job/duties lightly can get someone killed.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
SPC Daniel Bowen I agree. Relying on technology too much leaves us vulnerable when we do not have the technology or it is not working. Situational awareness is not stressed as much as it should be.
SPC Daniel Bowen
SPC Daniel Bowen
>1 y
I could not have said it any better, sir! Situational Awareness may be a small task, but its very importance supports everything else.
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