Posted on Nov 24, 2015
CW3 Dick McManus
Terrorism has been nothing to worry about in the US prior to 9/11 and until today. We have spent a trillion dollars on the intelligence community since 9/11 to fight this non-threat. You have a bigger threat when cross a street at night in on a rainy day or getting hit by lighting.

There is scientifically irrefutable evidence that Americans have been lied too about the mass murder on 9/11 and the 9/11 Commission was a cover up. We need a new Congressional investigation to get at the truth.

In addition to the cover up of 9/11 there is the cover up and failure to prosecute those US military officers in the chain of command reasonable the torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. In August 2003, after Iraqis started an insurgency against the US and US supported Iraqis, Rumsfeld wanted Abu Ghraid “Gitmotized” and order Major General Geoffrey Miller to use the cruel and unusual treatment during interrogations that Miller had been allegedly using at Gitmo.

The following are photos obtained via FOIA request by the ACLU of this crule and unusual treatment/torture.

Here is another documentary wherein some of the 11 enlisted soldiers who committed or witnessed the torture, talk about Abu Ghriab and the standard operating procedure to “soften up” the POWs for interrogation.

People who want a new Congressional investigation of the mass murder of 9/11.

The Commission, 911 Commissioners Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton said that the FAA and
NORAD did not tell the truth to the Commission in order to mislead them, and 9/11 Commission former US Senators Bob Kerrey and Max Cleland called the Commission’s investigation a cover up.

Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, chair and vice chair wrote an op-ed piece in the NY Times stating the committee was stonewalled by the CIA and the investigation was obstructed government official failed to fully inform a lawfully constituted body. (NY Times, Jan. 2008)

Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the 9/11 Commision. He stated the Bush administration attempted to slow walk the commission into irrelevancy. (Salon, Nov. 2003) “As each day goes by,” Cleland said, “we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before September 11 than it has ever admitted…. They had a plan to go to war and when 9/11 happened that’s what they did; they went to war.” IT IS A SCAM! … an obstruction! See

Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton said that the CIA “obstructed our investigation.” They also said that the 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials (NORAD) misrepresented the facts to the Commission, and the Commission considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements, yet didn’t bother to tell the American people.
The commission asked for "all documents related to the FAA's tracking of hijacked airliners on 9/11," including communications with the NORAD, that dispatched fighter jets in response to the attacks.
Thomas Kean said. "We were told that documents didn't exist and that we had everything we asked for. We discovered through our own investigation that the FAA had not turned over dozens of boxes of material, including "various (audio) tapes, statements, interview reports and agency self-assessments. I would rather feel that it was a lack of priority or knowledge of what they had, and not that they intentionally tried to hide things from us. But we don't know for sure."
Lee Hamilton says “I don’t believe for a minute we got everything right”, that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep asking questions about 9/11, that the 9/11 debate should continue, and that the 9/11 Commission report was only “the first draft” of history.
Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that “There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn’t have access . . . .”
Commissioner Timothy Roemer said “We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting. We were not sure of the intent, whether it was to deceive the commission or merely part of the fumbling bureaucracy." (CNN, Aug. 2006)

Commissioner John Lehman said that “We purposely put together a staff that had - in a way - conflicts of interest“.
The Senior Counsel (investigator) to the 9/11 Commission, John Farmer, said “I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years…. This is not spin. This is not true.”
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Responses: 8
SFC Everett Oliver
"There is scientifically irrefutable evidence that Americans have been lied too about the mass murder on 9/11 and the 9/11 Commission was a cover up."

What a load............It's been nearly 15 years and there still isn't an ounce of physical proof of anything other than the official version....That 19 hijackers took over 4 planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in PA....

And I could care less about a little waterboarding....But feel free to worry about it...
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
9 y
Only honorable warriors care about stopping torture and arresting those who do or who authorized it.

We now have a scientist J. Leroy Hulsey, Phd, trying to figure out the truth about the collapse of World Trade Center building seven.

SEE this video

1. We have two eye witnesses that said they were trapped in WTC 7 after there was an explosion on the sixth or eight floor of a stairway they were using to exit the building. And they were trapped within the building and were only rescued by the NY fire fighters after both Twin Towers collapsed.

2. We have a video tape that shows what looks like smoke from explosions moving upward in a series a side of WTC 7 very soon before it started to collapse. The timing of these darkish colors looks likes similar to what happens when explosive charges are detonated one after the other. The human eye can detect this bang, bang, bang changes in the colored smoke (called squids by demotion experts) from bottom to top of WTC 7.

3. The wreckage of WTC 7 stayed basically within a "footprint" (relatively near the standing building's original square foot area within the street) with the sides folded into a nice big pile.

4. Five days after the collapse a thermal photo taken from an airplane show a temperature in the WTC 7 wreckage of about 1,340 degrees F. even after water was being put onto the wreckage by the fire fighters.

5. Dr. Leroy Hulsey has have stated that a symmetrical collapse of this non-rectangular prism shaped building, defies all the odds due to just a hydrocarbon fire.

6. And he said, (I think) that the steel expansion of the beam did not walk off its seat as the National Institute for Standard and Technology (NIST) has report.

7. It is import to note the NIST has refused to publically release the date elements they inputted into their computer model. Secondly, NIST never required any new regulations for improved fire proofing or any increases in the structural designs to prevent future collapses due to fire. NONE. There they made minor suggestions for wider stairway to help evacuate people from a building and fire fighter to walk up the same stairs to fight the fire.

8. Dr. Hulsey was surprised not to see in photographs of the wreckage any concrete or fire proofing still attached to the steel beams. He is very experienced to the studies building collapses. He is being very careful not to make too much of this fact. It should be noted that within the wreckage of the Twin Towers and WTC 7, there was almost no solid chunks of concrete in the wreckage. It appears to have almost all turned into dust.

7. No airplane hit WTC 7 and never had any steel high rise building ever collapsed due to must longer fires, nor has any since.

8. Explosion were heard by eye witnesses and audio recordings made of them prior and/or during the collapse of WTC 7.

9. It looks like a cover up of this building's collapse was done by the 9/11 Commission as nothing was said in their report about it.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
9 y
CW3 Dick McManus - People who want a new Congressional investigation of the mass murder of 9/11. 2,358 architects and Engineers 287,821 members of this facebook page over 600

384 members of the facebook page
9/11 Truth Seattle: [login to see] 2870/

People who want a new investigation of events of 9/11

Candidate and Governor Lincoln Chaffee - D
Former US Senator Mike Gravel -AK
Former President Jimmy Carter
Vice President Walter Mondale
Senator Charles Schumer
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, JD
US Senator Al Franken see:
US. Senator Max Cleland

US Senator Patrick Leahy,VT-D
Gov. Walter Peterson-NH
Former US Rep. Dan Hamburg – R
Former U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon – R
former Rep. Cynthia McKinney
former Rep. Dennis Kucinich
former Gov. Jessey Ventura
Sen. Rand Paul
Ron Paul
Rep. Curt Weldon
Former FBI Director, Louis Freeh

the below link is a photo shows the orange flash of light from a bombing in Palestine. [login to see] 70507/

This one is of a flash from another explosion. But look closely and tell me if you see why it shows a second blast/explosion. Than ask yourself what would happen if a jet full of fuel crashed. [login to see] 81305/
SFC Everett Oliver
SFC Everett Oliver
9 y
CW3 Dick McManus - Reference your statement number 8.....Having read most studies and watched most videos (by most i mean at least more than the average person) I am yet to hear any recording of explosions during the collapse of WTC7 that might be construed as demolition explosions... Can you provide this?

BTW your statement comes really close to calling me dishonorable. I will pretend it wasn't meant that way.
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1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
I don't think I agree with you on the debunked coverup thing. Nice try though.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
9 y
Well, you are taking a stand which is politically correct. Trust me, the evidence is scientifically overwhelming and irrefutable. Google “9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015)” to watch this U-tube video.
or use the URL below:
Listen to the 9/11 families who are demanding a new Congressional investigation (known as the Jersey Girls.

For the past 15 years over 400 scientists and 2,350 engineers have been trying to educate Americans that the scientific evidence is irrefutable that at least nano-thermate was used to destroy World Trade Center building. Also commercial Pilots are saying no human pilot could fly into the Twin Towers at some 360 mph and do it twice. So they had to be flown by remote control. And no 757 could have been flown into the first floor of the Pentagon do to ground effect, no 757 could hit five street light poles without bursting into a fire ball causing the jet to crash before impacting the Pentagon.

The science is irrefutable. Part of the south Twin Tower tipped over 22 degrees. Additionally this section was also moving to the left. The energy of motion is added to the gravitational downward force. So it should have fallen over onto the street below in one big chunk. But no, it was exploded at the bottom of this big section.

Note: No explosives were found in the van when the cops stopped the dancing Israelis. Only the bomb sniffing dog alerted on the van as if there was explosives inside it. Therefore it is like there had recently been explosives inside it. Some of the employees of the moving company mentioned herein were former Israeli explosive experts. But spends some time and learn the scientifically irrefutable evidence that at least one explosive, nano-thermate was found in the dust at ground zero.

A large 757 or 767 can not fly faster than some 360 mph at low attitude because the air is dense. Faster than that cause the nose of the airplane to raise up and the only way for the pilot to regain control of the airplane is to slow down. The following video explains this using a flight simulator.

At least we need a new Congressional investigation of this mass murder.

Sen. Al Franken Admits Being Warned About 9-11 Beforehand

In his book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, Sen. Al Franken admits to having been warned not to go to work at the World Trade Center on 9-11. Why does the government and "free press" in the United States not investigate such reports?

Senator Al Franken admits in his book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (2003), that he received a call from the former mayor of New York, Ed Koch, warning him not to go to his office in the World Trade Center on 9-11, using the Hebrew calendar as a reference for the date, which was September 11, 2001.

Franken refers to this warning call as the "Jew call."
"Al", he told me, "don't go to work on the twenty-third day of Elul."

Al Franken is a politician and it is political suicide to stand up and say the official story is BS.
You have to be able to read body language.

The taxi driver Lloyde England alleged his cab was hit by a falling street light pole and it smashed thru the front wind shield of his cab. His taxi cab was located nowhere near the light pole when some photos were taken, so it appears the taxi was moved and his cab wind shield was deliberately smashed such that it could be said the 757 caused the pole to hit his cab. Instead of the light pole having been taken down prior to the explosion at the Pentagon.

England admitted that some US government officials staged light pole landing on his cab.
You can watch and listen to his confession for yourself here:

Over 14 US Air Force war games/exercises were ongoing on or about Sept. 11, 2001. What are the odds given the following fact?

London transit bombings occurred on July 7, 2005 and when the British secret service, with a company of 1000+ officers, were conducting a terror drill based on a scenario in which the exact same targets, would be attacked at the exact same stations, at the exact same time, just like the US Air Force exercises occurred on 9/11. Scotland Yard claimed it had had no advance notice of — was claimed to have killed 52 commuters and injured 700 — 300 of them seriously.

John Loftus, a terrorism expert and a former prosecutor for the US Justice Department, has revealed that the so-called mastermind of the July 7th bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, is actually a British intelligence asset. He recruited al-Qaeda fighters for the covert U.S. and NATO efforts to destabilize Bosnia and Chechnya.

Loftus revealed that the so-called Al-Muhajiroun group, recruited by MI-6 to fight in Kosovo. "Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo.

9/11 Truth Seattle [login to see] 2870/
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CW3 Dick McManus
US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and Sens. Bob Graham (D-Fla.), Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), Rep. Porter J. Goss (R-Fla.) and Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan) were briefed from 2002 to 2003 in about 30 private briefings, about the planned use of cruel, unusual and inhuman treatment, to include water-boarding, by former President George W. Bush and his subordinates. These Congress people had a Constitutional and legal duty to go public about the planned or on-going use of torture, ghost prisoners, secret jails, and kidnapping and rendition to proxy nations that torture, (all war crimes), not withstanding that these activities were classified.

And he launched an illegal air war against Libya, supporting extremist Muslims who over threw Gaddafi. During Gaddafi's reign, there was very little poverty in Libya. The country had the best living standards in Africa. Libya had free healthcare, free education, free farmland, a house and seeds, free energy bills, $50,000 housing money for just married couples, and interest free loans. Libya was a debt free country (unlike most African states befriended by the West), had near free gasoline prices, plus the government paid half the price for your car, among other benefits. Oh, and the women? Libyan women enjoyed more freedom than their counterparts in the Arab world. In fact, Libyan women enjoyed the same freedom with their Western counterparts. They enjoyed free education, and enjoyed rights that saw them driving cars when the women in the Arab world were jailed for daring to get behind a car wheel. Gaddafi with his revolutionary idea that a woman should be trained in the art of war, walked his talk by employing female bodyguards.

Since the day President Obama took office, he has failed to bring to justice anyone responsible for the torture of terrorism suspects — an official government program conceived and carried out in the years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Obama did allow his Justice Department to investigate the CIA's destruction of videotapes of torture sessions and those who may have gone beyond the torture techniques authorized by President George W. Bush. But the investigation did not lead to any charges being filed, or even any accounting of why they were not filed. He refused to prosecute the higher ups who ordered the torture.

Americans have known about many of these acts for years, but the 524-page executive summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report erases any lingering doubt about their depravity and illegality: Scores of detainees were water boarded, hung by their wrists, confined in coffins, sleep-deprived, threatened with death or brutally beaten. In November 2002, one detainee who was chained to a concrete floor died of “suspected hypothermia.”

These are, simply, crimes. They are prohibited by federal law, which defines torture as the intentional infliction of “severe physical or mental pain or suffering.” They are also banned by the Convention Against Torture, the international treaty that the United States ratified in 1994 and that requires prosecution of any acts of torture.

The American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch are to give Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. a letter Monday calling for appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate what appears increasingly to be “a vast criminal conspiracy, under color of law, to commit torture and other serious crimes.”

But any credible investigation should include former Vice President Dick Cheney; Mr. Cheney’s chief of staff, David Addington; the former C.I.A. director George Tenet; and John Yoo and Jay Bybee, the Office of Legal Counsel lawyers who drafted what became known as the torture memos. There are many more names that could be considered, including Jose Rodriguez Jr., the C.I.A. official who ordered the destruction of the videotapes; the psychologists who devised the torture regimen; and the C.I.A. employees who carried out that regimen.

Starting a criminal investigation is not about payback; it is about ensuring that this never happens again and regaining the moral credibility to rebuke torture by other governments.

Obama has embraced the vast bulk of AWOL Bush's terrorism policies and adopted the defining Bush/Cheney policy of indefinite detention without trial for accused terrorists who had been subjected to torture.

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and Sens. Bob Graham (D-Fla.), Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), Rep. Porter J. Goss (R-Fla.) and Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan) were briefed from 2002 to 2003 in about 30 private briefings, about the planned use of cruel, unusual and inhuman treatment, to include water-boarding, by former President George W. Bush and his subordinates. These Congress people had a Constitutional and legal duty to go public about the planned or on-going use of torture, ghost prisoners, secret jails, and kidnapping and rendition to proxy nations that torture, (all war crimes), not withstanding that these activities were classified.

And he launched an illegal air war against Libya, supporting extremist Muslims who over threw Gaddafi. During Gaddafi's reign, there was very little poverty in Libya. The country had the best living standards in Africa. Libya had free healthcare, free education, free farmland, a house and seeds, free energy bills, $50,000 housing money for just married couples, and interest free loans. Libya was a debt free country (unlike most African states befriended by the West), had near free gasoline prices, plus the government paid half the price for your car, among other benefits. Oh, and the women? Libyan women enjoyed more freedom than their counterparts in the Arab world. In fact, Libyan women enjoyed the same freedom with their Western counterparts. They enjoyed free education, and enjoyed rights that saw them driving cars when the women in the Arab world were jailed for daring to get behind a car wheel. Gaddafi with his revolutionary idea that a woman should be trained in the art of war, walked his talk by employing female bodyguards.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
>1 y
Google “9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015)” to watch this U-tube video.
or use the URL below:
Listen to the 9/11 families who are demanding a new Congressional investigation (known as the Jersey Girls.

For the past 15 years over 400 scientists and 2,350 engineers have been trying to educate Americans that the scientific evidence is irrefutable that at least nano-thermate was used to destroy World Trade Center building. Also commercial Pilots are saying no human pilot could fly into the Twin Towers at some 360 mph and do it twice. So they had to be flown by remote control. And no 757 could have been flown into the first floor of the Pentagon do to ground effect, no 757 could hit five street light poles without bursting into a fire ball causing the jet to crash before impacting the Pentagon.

The science is irrefutable. Part of the south Twin Tower tipped over 22 degrees. Additionally this section was also moving to the left. The energy of motion is added to the gravitational downward force. So it should have fallen over onto the street below in one big chunk. But no, it was exploded at the bottom of this big section.

Note: No explosives were found in the van when the cops stopped the dancing Israelis. Only the bomb sniffing dog alerted on the van as if there was explosives inside it. Therefore it is like there had recently been explosives inside it. Some of the employees of the moving company mentioned herein were former Israeli explosive experts. But spends some time and learn the scientifically irrefutable evidence that at least one explosive, nano-thermate was found in the dust at ground zero.

A large 757 or 767 can not fly faster than some 360 mph at low attitude because the air is dense. Faster than that cause the nose of the airplane to raise up and the only way for the pilot to regain control of the airplane is to slow down. The following video explains this using a flight simulator.

At least we need a new Congressional investigation of this mass murder.

Sen. Al Franken Admits Being Warned About 9-11 Beforehand

In his book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, Sen. Al Franken admits to having been warned not to go to work at the World Trade Center on 9-11. Why does the government and "free press" in the United States not investigate such reports?

Senator Al Franken admits in his book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (2003), that he received a call from the former mayor of New York, Ed Koch, warning him not to go to his office in the World Trade Center on 9-11, using the Hebrew calendar as a reference for the date, which was September 11, 2001.

Franken refers to this warning call as the "Jew call."
"Al", he told me, "don't go to work on the twenty-third day of Elul."

Al Franken is a politician and it is political suicide to stand up and say the official story is BS.
You have to be able to read body language.

The taxi driver Lloyde England alleged his cab was hit by a falling street light pole and it smashed thru the front wind shield of his cab. His taxi cab was located nowhere near the light pole when some photos were taken, so it appears the taxi was moved and his cab wind shield was deliberately smashed such that it could be said the 757 caused the pole to hit his cab. Instead of the light pole having been taken down prior to the explosion at the Pentagon.

England admitted that some US government officials staged light pole landing on his cab.
You can watch and listen to his confession for yourself here:

Over 14 US Air Force war games/exercises were ongoing on or about Sept. 11, 2001. What are the odds given the following fact?

London transit bombings occurred on July 7, 2005 and when the British secret service, with a company of 1000+ officers, were conducting a terror drill based on a scenario in which the exact same targets, would be attacked at the exact same stations, at the exact same time, just like the US Air Force exercises occurred on 9/11. Scotland Yard claimed it had had no advance notice of — was claimed to have killed 52 commuters and injured 700 — 300 of them seriously.

John Loftus, a terrorism expert and a former prosecutor for the US Justice Department, has revealed that the so-called mastermind of the July 7th bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, is actually a British intelligence asset. He recruited al-Qaeda fighters for the covert U.S. and NATO efforts to destabilize Bosnia and Chechnya.

Loftus revealed that the so-called Al-Muhajiroun group, recruited by MI-6 to fight in Kosovo. "Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo.

9/11 Truth Seattle [login to see] 2870/

see my free online book SOME UNKNOWN HISTORY OF THE U.S. - a work in progress
This work is about OSS and CIA drug trafficking and their war crimes as well as war crimes by other US government Departments or agencies.

Dick McManus
Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent, and combat paramedic, Vietnam, US Army retired, Everett, WA
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
>1 y
Would you stop drinking the water if 2,355 medical research doctors said it was contaminated with radioactive rat shit, and 15 medical doctors saying it was safe to drink?

Well the same logic applies and we have 2,355 architects and engineers telling us that the World Trade Center buildings collapsed due to explosives and only 15 engineers who work for the US government’s National Institute of Standards and Technology who say fire cause the buildings to collapse?

The irrefutable scientific evidence that proves the Pentagon was not hit by a 757.
update 2nd edition of this a 18 page research paper

Security cameras all around the outside of the Pentagon area hit by the alleged jet, but none of the cameras video taped the impact!? Is that irrefutable? Maybe.

Dummies can understand what really happened on 9/11 -Explosion and nanothermate
here is lesson one.

Here is a good video that explain the scientific irrefutable evidence.

Also a very good video that explains some irrefutable evidence about the airplanes that allegedly crashed on 9/11, and this evidence is suggests the official story is wrong.

I charge NIST with criminal negligence of their 9/11 investigation

What is disclosed in the classified 28 pages of the 9/11 Report

The FBI’s half-backed 9/11 Anthrax Investigation

and money laundering on 9/11.

A dirty bomb is not more dangerous than a regular one, it only takes a bit more care to clean up the mess.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
>1 y
The irrefutable scientific evidence that proves the Pentagon was not hit by a 757.
update 2nd edition of this a 18 page research paper

Security cameras all around the outside of the Pentagon area hit by the alleged jet, but none of the cameras video taped the impact!? Is that irrefutable? Maybe.

Dummies can understand what really happened on 9/11 -Explosion and nanothermate
here is lesson one.

This is the "non-smoke gun" to use a turn of phrase. It this photo is real, it proves the cube shaped section of the north Tower, did not fall intact, but there were explosions on every floor at the same time, above the impact hole. We should not see concrete dust clouds coming out of all five or six floors, only from the bottom of this cube. see u-tube video

Here is a good video that explain the scientific irrefutable evidence.

Also a very good video that explains some irrefutable evidence about the airplanes that allegedly crashed on 9/11, and this evidence is suggests the official story is wrong.

This is the links to my yahoo group website for my 92 page research paper
I could only post six pages at a time on yahoo groups. see parts one thru 12

798 to 809

Part 13 see 876

part 14 at 883

I charge NIST with criminal negligence of their 9/11 investigation

What is disclosed in the classified 28 pages of the 9/11 Report

The FBI’s half-backed 9/11 Anthrax Investigation

and money laundering on 9/11.

There were some 14 US Air Force war games ongoing on 9/11 with not enough F-16s to defend the east coast of the US.

London transit bombings occurred on July 7, 2005 and when the British secret service, with a company of 1000+ officers, were conducting a terror drill based on a scenario in which the exact same targets, would be attacked at the exact same stations, at the exact same time, just like the US Air Force exercises occurred on 9/11. Scotland Yard claimed it had had no advance notice of — was claimed to have killed 52 commuters and injured 700 — 300 of them seriously.

John Loftus, a terrorism expert and a former prosecutor for the US Justice Department, has revealed that the so-called mastermind of the July 7th bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, is actually a British intelligence asset. He recruited al-Qaeda fighters for the covert U.S. and NATO efforts to destabilize Bosnia and Chechnya.

Loftus revealed that the so-called Al-Muhajiroun group, recruited by MI-6 to fight in Kosovo. "Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo.

Join our groups, they are like petitions wherein those who join are demanding a new Congressional investigation.

9/11 Truth Seattle [login to see] 2870/

Pilots for 9/11 Truth [login to see] 19106/

see my free online book SOME UNKNOWN HISTORY OF THE U.S. - a work in progress
This work is about OSS and CIA drug trafficking and their war crimes as well as war crimes by other US government Departments or agencies.

Dick McManus
Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent, and combat paramedic, Vietnam, US Army retired, Everett, WA
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
>1 y
Yes, I could be less kooky than I am.
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Terrorism has been nothing to worry about in the US! Your Thoughts?
CW3 Dick McManus
Oops I meant it is nothing to worry about even today.
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CW3 Dick McManus
Oops. I meant even today it is nothing to worry about.
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CPO Robin Beres
You say: "But remember Saddam Hussan had kept the religious shia and Sunnis from killing each other and Iraq was basically peaceful before Bush et al dragged us into invading based on lies." You forget that Saddam Hussein's regime was brutal. He killed between a quarter and a half million of his own people. His was truly a reign of terror. His sons Uday and Qusay were monsters who were given free license to rape, torture and dismember Iraqis at will. Get your facts right. Having trouble remembering that, sir? Refresh your memory with this TIME magazine (definitely not a conservative rag) from 2003:,9171,454453,00.html
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
9 y
Yes, I know. You have to be brave enough to say NO to those you lied to us about WMDs and prosecute them for that crime. But what was the result of our two wars with Iraq and the nation building in Afghanistan? Tombstone courage never wins.

AWOL Bush Lied us into the Iraq and Afghanistan wars parts 1 to 4. I can only post six pages at a time on Yahoo Groups.

Lying to the sovereign, WE THE PEOPLE about the threat of terrorism.
Lying to the sovereign, WE THE PEOPLE about WMDs and Saddam Hussan giving aid and comfort to Al Qaeda.
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CPO Robin Beres
That the guy's first thought was "How is this going to affect me," says much.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
9 y
What guy?
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PO3 Electrician's Mate
what? ok ... no need to worry about terrorism ... right ...

what they are saying is very different than don't over come by fear, they are saying it is a lie. It is a very huge different there.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
9 y
Yes, Americans have been and are being lied to about the threat of terrorism in the US. Just like we were lied to about WMDs. Our law enforcement is doing a great job preventing terrorism and arresting them.
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