Posted on Apr 8, 2015
COL Charles Williams
Stolen Valor is bad enough when it is person who is not actually affiliated with the military. And, I understand many of these folks have mental illnesses and perhaps they know not what they do.

But, what do you think, how do you feel, or how do you react when an active duty service members wear awards and decorations they are not authorized? It seems it is always leaders... It seems to happen often. The LTC at Fort Benning... and now this... but there countless others.

I know of several... personally.

- I had a former CATD Team NCO (then working at NCOA) do something similar... E8 on the E9 and SMA list who was wearing a Ranger Tab... He would have a photo taken for boards with it on (and other badges), then have them removed from his records right after the board met. Their PAC clerk raised a red flag. He was court martialed.

- Then we had a CPT in MPCCC who was wearing a SF Tab, SEAL Triton (and he couldn't swim... ) two combat jump stars... and other stuff... (all made up)... He was invited to resign his commission.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 46
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
Edited 10 y ago
Perhaps it is time to reintroduce the concept of shaming as a punishment for offenses such as these. Who is willing to risk a charge of Stolen Valor if the punishment for the crime is to stand before a battalion, brigade, BCT, or division formation, be called before the the Commanding Officer, hear the charges and findings read aloud, and then be reduced in rank or stripped of rank and decoration altogether and then cashiered from the service; escorted off post or base by the MP or Security Forces?

Do that a few times, and the frequency of such behaviors may start to diminish!
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
SSG Aj P, Ha! I had someone do something similar a few weeks back, trying to subtly drop me the hint that the commenter I had just given a thumbs up to was full of shit! I thought you were doing the same for a moment there! TSgt Hunter Logan, thanks for the assist. No harm, no foul, just more thumbs ups for everyone!
1LT William Clardy
1LT William Clardy
10 y
MAJ (Join to see), were you thinking something like this (except for the "innocent" part)?
SSG John Karr
SSG John Karr
8 y
I think the public shaming would be an effective deterrent. When I was in the 1/2 Cav the Squadron Commander held an awards formation. I thought to myself "something is wrong". The CSM called the Squadron to attention. About 14 men were called to the front... you could tell they were excited that they were about to receive an award. The SC stepped in front of the men and called a Sgt forward. A man in street clothes positioned himself in front of the S.C. saluted then did an about face and told the "honorees" that they were under arrest for drug possession. The entire Squadron gasped even though we were at attention. As they were being cuffed and frisked several of them had drugs in their pockets.
The S.C. had cured drug abuse in the Squadron.
Needless to say when the real award recipients were called out they were more than a little nervous.
SSG Bryan McDougal
SSG Bryan McDougal
7 y
Getting "slammed" was a term alive and well in my day. Thank you sir for reveling it's origins. And as an NCO I agree with you.
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MSG Scott McBride
Well, here we go again. my personal feeling is this: He is an idiot and is unfit and undeserving of standing front of ANY formation. My professional feeling: as a Senior NCO, he stands in stark contrast of the NCO Creed and deserves more than a reduction. "No one is more professional than I..." "...I will not compromise my integrity nor my moral courage..." What happened to that CSM? This is how indiscipline begins in the ranks. When the Top leaders are doing it, it must be ok. This leader failed his command, his troopers, and the Army.
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CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
Edited 10 y ago
COL Charles Williams
Badges do not make you a Soldier or a leader. Above all else you must have character!

Nobody is above the law, he was a CSM and knew that he was reap what you sow.

My issue is the punishment...
COL Charles Williams
SGT Anthony Bussing
SGT Anthony Bussing
10 y
how are the lower enlisted be expected to live up the "Corps Values" and "Warrior Ethos" if our leaders dont? this guy shouldve been busted all the way down and given the boot...
SGT Anthony Bussing
SGT Anthony Bussing
10 y
the thing I hated about rank in the was based solely on how fast a person could run...while I grant., PT is important (although, all the times Ive been in combat, I have never had the urge to drop and dopush ups or situps...however, I do run quite a bit while getting shot at! lol) but come on...there should be much more emphisis given on promotions based on how well you know your job...when you have high school cross country "stars" that are 21 years old and E6's...there is something just wrong there...(and no, im not bitter because of MY rank...I earned my rank...and lost it several times because I often spoke my mind to my "LEADERS" who couldnt lead a week old kitten out of a outhouse with no door...and they didnt like it) promotions should be based on how well you know your job...
SGT Anthony Bussing
SGT Anthony Bussing
10 y
yeah, I know there is more to it then the PT aspect...and I agree with the awards thing too...I was National Guard, just to clear that up...we have a female soldier, blonde hair, blue eyed, quite the looker...she is a master sgt (P)...been in oh, 15years or so...NEVER DEPLOYED...not at all in the entire time we have been engaged in war...My state has sent NUMEROUS units over to both theaters...and she was even in my unit that went...and so now, here she charge of soldiers who have deployed, telling them what to expect when they hit boots on ground...oh yeah, she was also married to a first sgt, then when he couldnt get her promoted any further, she divorced him and is now married to a full bird...but...there is that whole pesky "non frat" policy....oh well...Im retired...I dont care any
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Stolen Valor - The Insider Threat... How do we stop this?
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Approaching this from a different angle.

"Have we made the bait too enticing?"

Have we made the value of these items so high that it is putting people into a position where they feel they must have them to compete?

Keep in mind I come from the USMC side, and we have very little flair, or even schools for that matter. The items we do have are generally so exclusive (SCUBA bubble, Jump Wings, Aviator Wings, etc) that not having them doesn't affect your promotion chances. Our awards system is much "slimmer" as well. The idea of having 10+ Commendation or Achievement awards is unheard of, and having a Bronze Star for anything other than Valor just doesn't seem to happen. I don't think we even use a points system for promotion at the boards (though I can't speak directly to it).

Having these items directly tied to a persons career and livelihood seems like a great way to create ethical dilemmas. When you add in the respect that comes with visual awards, whether tabs, CIB/CMB/CAB, etc.. I can definitely see a case for "setting people up for failure" in that "you must have X to be a good soldier."

This isn't designed to excuse the stolen valor behavior. Far from it. But... Look at the Tour D'France fiasco. They couldn't even award it after stripping Armstrong of his, because the problem had become so prevalent. The parallels are there.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
10 y
When I joined the USN, ESWS was something that I looked at as one of those shiny things that look really great, and I thought that an indivdividual wearing it was someone to be looked up to. Don't get me wrong, the amount of knowledge and studying that goes in to earning that shiny does make a person wearing the badge worthy of acknowledgement.
The problem is that even before I was discharged, commands were requiring it. I don't see that as necessarily a bad thing, but if you are going to put out there as something to aspire to, it cannot lose its luster in a "you must earn this" scenario.
When you have NCOs and Officers who are getting busted for faking awards they did not earn, then you tell young lower enlisted they need this to advance, you have provided two things.
1) You have provided the incentive to fake it
2) You have set a precedent that this behavior is acceptable.

Can't tell a lower enlisted that they are wrong for doing something unless you hold upper enlisted and officers accountable to the same standard. Really sad thing is that these officers and upper enlisted should not need to be told to uphold that higher standard.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y
PO3 Steven Sherrill I think you hit the nail on the head with:

"1) You have provided the incentive to fake it"

When it goes from "nice to have" to "must have" or even "need in order to be competitive," the institution is setting up an ethical dilemma.
MAJ Infantry Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
Oh if only the Army could be a combat focused force in some of the ways that the corps are. You have an organization in the army that is much like some of the big financial institutions, too big to effectively manage. Too many commands, too many sets of redundant regulations, etc. The other issue is that people are frequently promoted for what they've successfully attended. It sometimes gets the wrong people in the wrong jobs.
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
CSM (Join to see)
10 y
That is an excellent point and I think you are right. Every year the Army publishes the AAR from the centralized senior NCO boards, and every year it says "the was a 90% selection rate for NCOs with a Ranger Tab". The other awards and badges not really a factor but Ranger School is, however there is no excuse for a senior NCO or officer to totally disregard their character.
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MAJ Field Artillery Officer
I thought being a Command Sergeant Major would have been adequately prestigious without the ranger tab or pathfinder torch.
MSG Robert Mills
MSG Robert Mills
10 y
Being a CSM would have been enough for me, making that rank without those things paints a picture forsure, without having to rely on those things makes a huge difference, this is why people dont get promoted like they should, and that is a slot that was taken by fraud in all aspects of the issue, obtained monetary benefit by fraud, the board has about 5 seconds to look your photo over and make a choice promote, or pass over, again wasted slot for some E-8 they likley forced to retire, and this guy is suppose to be sitting on QMP boards for other soldiers lol thats what CSM's are doing these days Im glad Im retired
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SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
Man! This really disappoints me. It being an active duty member.

I have to tell you, I find this topic interesting. When I was getting out, I had found that there were a couple of awards that were not listed on my DD-214. Imagine that. S-1 made another mistake. But anyways, I told them about it and they just went about putting my awards on my DD-214 without asking for any paperwork. I was appalled. I asked if they wanted to see my awards and they told me "The award section doesn't really matter anyway." I was like WWHHAATT??? 0.o I could have told this lady I had a purple heart and she would've just wrote it down. Unbelievable.

Now, as for this article, I mean, what a freaking embarrassment. I know civilians want to be cool like us service members, but for an active E-8 to do it?? Wants all the glory but has not guts?? How dishonorable is that?? I understand not kicking him out or anything, but for him to be "Honorably Discharged???" IDK. I hope he learns his lesson from this embarrassment, loss of rank and $5000 fine. I wouldn't be able to look at my soldiers in their eye. And The thoughts running thru their heads... Just wow. He was supposed to be setting a higher standard when in all actuality, he showed them HOW NOT TO BE.

You think his punishment was fair??? Should more have been done??? Like serving his remaining time and not getting a dishonorable but a less than honorable??

COL Charles Williams
MAJ (Join to see)
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
TSgt Hunter Logan
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
10 y
There is no way in hell that this POS should have gotten an Honorable Discharge. Instead, he should have been busted all the way down, awarded some brig time, and served a Big Chicken Dinner!
SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
Agreed GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad With that Court Martial action it is probably permanent record. By the way SGT (Join to see) those things tend to dissapear, but you can always ammend missing records with DD215. I have given up already, and keep a hard copy in my love book as well as electronically in few back up drives. I am dissapointed to the extreme with the Army personnel record office. Thank god my last DD214 has most of the right information, but it is 2 pages long...LOL
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
10 y
SGT (Join to see) When reported to West Point, just after I redeployed from Somalia, I was trying to update my records for the Majors board, and noticed they had too many ARCOMs in my record 5 vs. 3. I had a a bunch of new awards too from Somalia. So, they removed everything. Next time I checked my records to see if all was straight... All my awards were gone... I was at MILPO.... speaking to the same lady who I asked the ARCOMs... She told me I would to show proof of all the awards she deleted accidentally...
SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
LOL, No one is ever accountable in that place, ever. Sir, I lost my patience with them. I figure I will be ok, as VA has my full medical info, and have plenty of DD214's and DD215's.
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
Edited 10 y ago
COL Charles Williams

I have been on a few officer promotion/command selection boards and, in every one of them, without exception, we have discovered cases of alleged unauthorized awards, badges, etc., doctored photos, forged documents (diplomas, OERs, etc.). The investigation/resolution was accomplished very quickly so as to be finalized before the board adjourned and, in most cases (90%+), the concern was validated.

In one particularly memorable board I was on, an LTC Promotion Board, I was reviewing the record of an active duty MAJ being considered for promotion to LTC. The MAJ had been assigned to the battalion I commanded when she was a CPT. I had given her a "2 Block OER" and remember the hub-bub that created, because she was a minority female and had a few "Godfathers" in my branch who were looking out for her. I was pressured to change the rating, but I refused to. Lo and behold, when I was reviewing her records years later for consideration for promotion to LTC, I noticed that the OER had been changed to a "Top Block" and even the words had been changed. I flagged the records and informed the President of the Board about the discrepancy. I am a pack-rat and I have copies of every OER/NCOER I have ever given. I obtained my copy of the report that I had submitted and provided it to the appropriate personnel. I never found out how the OER had been changed or who did it (although I have a pretty good idea). The MAJ was not picked up for promotion and was eventually put out of the Army. My understanding is that she denied any knowledge of the OER having been changed and it could not be proven that she did.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
10 y
Thanks COL Jean (John) F. B.. I had a similar incident with an OER and being directed to change it as a senior rater... By my senior rater. I did not, and it ended up at the DAIG - whistleblower reprisal. Eventually the DODIG overturned everything. I ended up be being flagged for 38 months and promoted 19 months late...
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Col Joseph Lenertz
One thing I would NOT suggest would be a new, labor-intensive bureaucratic policy for everyone to follow so that these few idiots can't get their hands on badges they're not authorized. They will still get the badges, and the rest of us will feel the pain of the policy. Punish each and every one according to the UCMJ, and publish what happens so the next idiot will think twice.
MAJ Infantry Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
It's like they say at sfas, if you're here for a tab, go buy it at the px. I would bet that someone in time has suggested that very approach to tabs by just making them unavailable for general sale. However, with the availability of nearly anything on the internet or ranger joes... I was personally looking to buy a set of general of the armies rank for the multicam uniform. Nobody would suspect a guy in his 30's of not being higher than a 5 star general right.
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CPT Senior Instructor

This winner, MSG Letutli (formerly SGM), was in my Brigade when we deployed to Iraq in 2009. He played the part. He found that in the National Guard there are few guys that have such credentials. In my battalion we about about 5 soldiers with ranger tabs. So you could imagine if someone fakes the funk and avoids the others they can get by for while. Now for having an SF tab we really didn't have anyone to question him about that. He got caught at a Joint meeting with full time staff from each guard unit in the State. We have SF unit in out state. They figured it out. A lot of people were pissed about it. I was. He used that to get promoted. There were other soldiers that were more deserving of that. I ran into a few times and all he did was yell at use for not having a ground guide on a road. the sign was knocked over but it was our fault anyway. Nonetheless, he is gone.

This is something we need to address and not let it slide. A lot of people don't want to call out a leader at that level. But if that were to happen we have to act and do something. It gives the wrong impression to other soldiers and is lacks integrity.
CPT Senior Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
SFC Jack S. It is sad this this happens. You can't get any lower than stealing valor at Arlington. I would have loved to stomp him into the ground and embarrass him. I view this guys as on of the lowest forms of life on the planet.
MAJ Infantry Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
I knew an army reserve captain that wears a seal trident. I never asked him about it, but I did find it rather suspicious. He was in tip top shape so who knows.
CPT Senior Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
MAJ (Join to see) We had a guy like that in the Guard. He was in his late thirties. He was the only guy I have ever met in Guard with one. I grew up in San Diego so I know a bit about their base and a little about their training. He seemed to know enough about the location and what they did there. He never really spoke about it much. He did seem legit.
MAJ Infantry Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
That captain was about the only guy I saw who took a full pt test in that station. I've never seen so many profiles to avoid running from people who all deployed to Kuwait. I could've sworn that unit was returning from the Battle of the Bulge the way people had such a history of injuries in that rough Kuwaiti environment.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
It is bad when a civilian dresses up with a bunch of medals and pretends to be a service member.
It is worse when a civilian dresses up like a service member to obtain free or discounted goods and services.
It is worst of all when a service member tries to claim badges that were not earned in a hope that A) it won't be noticed
B) it will help with promotion

I have a friend who I have to keep correcting because he knows I was on a Navy Surface vessel, but does not understand that ESWS and SWO are badges that earned for showing knowledge. Everytime the service is a topic of conversation he will make a comment like "You were SWO right?"
I will say "No, I was enlisted, ESWS is the badge I could have earned, but I was discharged before completing it."

Now with this trail blazing NCO, I call dibs on Navy Ranger. I know where I can get a dinghy for my flag ship.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
It's cute when a kid does it, these are people that never grow up.
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