Posted on May 23, 2014
CPT Company Commander
I got a friend request from one of my soldiers in my platoon the other day. He is a SPC. I was thinking that I would deny it. First off, I am pretty particular on who I let be my FB friend. But before I was about to deny I thought to myself, I am FB friends with the Battalion Commander and CSM. I am just a PL. What is the difference between a Team leader facebooking his PL and a PL facebooking the BC.

How do you deal with such requests? It seems to be a balancing at being personable and professional. Have you ever denied a FB, and if so were there any ramifications due to it. Like that awkward moment when you see them at work.
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LTC Cavalry Officer
As a Lieutenant Colonel, and a Battalion Commander, I often see junior members of my battalion listed for me to connect with as well as others stationed at the same post. What kind of protocol is proper for me to connect and for my responses to requests to connect?

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