Posted on Apr 11, 2015
1SG First Sergeant
It's Friday morning and you get a call that one of your Soldiers got arrested by local law enforcement for a DUI. You can bail them out in the next few hours or let them sit until Monday morning. What do you do?
Posted in these groups: Leadership abstract 007 Leadership140114202911 large AlcoholOriginal Crime
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Responses: 11
COL Jason Smallfield, PMP, CFM, CM
- Arrest for DUI is not conviction for DUI. Two different issues. Chain of command must let this civil issue play out within the civil arena. If convicted then certain actions must be taken by the chain of command.
- If "bail out" means go pick the Soldier up and bring them back to the unit then yes. That is a chain of command responsibility.
- If "bail out" means to commit chain of command personal funds for bail then no. That is the Soldier's responsibility. If the Soldier can afford bail great, then see comment #2 above. If the Soldier can not afford bail then the Soldier waits until Monday morning. It is what it is.
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CPT Operations Officer (S3)
This one is ripped for debate:
Ultimately, it comes down to you doing the right thing as a Leader to help REHABILITATE the Soldier.
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1LT William Clardy
Edited 10 y ago
That is a no-brainer in my mind: you immediately assist your soldier in arranging to be released and then bring them back to their place of duty.

That is *your* soldier sitting in jail. Unless you know that he or she is guilty of the crime, you have no business as a leader letting him or her sit there all weekend -- not to mention deliberately adding an unauthorized absence from place of duty.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
Thank you! One thing that is pissing me off is jumping to conclusions and this insane desire to have Article 15s meted out. Let's give our people a break until we can't anymore. SSgt Alexander Ingram
Will Beltz
Will Beltz
7 y
so my boyfriend was in jail with no bail and got released to army official how is that possible?
1LT William Clardy
1LT William Clardy
7 y
Because police are familiar with the ways of the Army, Will Beltz. If PFC Schmuckatelli's squad leader says his private will not miss his court date, the cops know that Schmuckatelli will be in even deeper doo-doo if he ghosts.
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