Posted on Aug 23, 2015
CPT Senior Instructor
I have come to look at the studies at the mortality rate of Americans. Heart disease is the top killer with 611,105 deaths a year. The causes of this are diabetes, Overweight and obesity, Poor diet, Physical inactivity, and an Excessive alcohol use. Diet and physical activity play the key part in this. But we don't really address this as much as we do other areas.

Smoking is really less of a problem. Lung Cancer death are nearly one third of that of Heart Disease. But we really don't put anywhere this much of an effort to stop poor dieting as we do toward smoking.

Really we accept those who are severely unhealthy. Recently the FDNY had to use a crane and a cargo net to get a ill 800 person out of her apartment for healthcare. Well shouldn't we be doing something to discourage this.

Should we use label on fattening unhealthy food as we do in the cigarette industry? When you get your fries you should have to see how much of your percentage of your daily caloric intake you are about to consume. If you seen that quick meal at your fast food place is 1,800 calories alone for just one meal maybe they would think twice about it.
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 21
Cpl Jeff N.
Edited >1 y ago
There are already nutrition labels on virtually every food item you buy, even fast food. If people do not know the dangers of over eating, eating unhealthy food and lots of it then they are likely too unwilling or ignorant to read one more label telling them they are making a bad decision.

The information about health/content available on food, in advertisement and on the internet is staggering. When you compare the amount of information available regarding the issue of obesity and heart disease in this country vs previous generations it is clear more information has not really helped. We are fatter than ever with more information, data, warnings and campaigns than ever. If information and labels solved this we would already be thinner and better fit than previous generations.

This is not all intake, it is also output. It is an irony that when watching television you can see stories on the news (almost back to back) about childhood obesity and children going to bed hungry.
Cadet SGT (Pre-Commission)
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Let me be blunt:
Everyone over the age of seven knows that fatty food is bad for you. The kind of people who will blame the manufacturers and restaurants for their food choices affecting their health are not the kind of people who will read a label and alter their habits.
This whole idea from the perspective of the industry is to inoculate themselves from litigation - foolish when juxtaposed with tobacco settlements. From the consumer standpoint, it gives information, which is good, I guess.

People want to do what they want without consequences, and blame others for their poor choices. I have no time for perpetual victims.
CPT Senior Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
Some people just don't have a clue how bad they eat. The worst is when I am obese kid. I pity them. My daughter eats healthy most all the time. Sure she gets some junk food but we ensure she is active and gets enough exercise.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
A good diet and exercise... weird.
Do you think that fad will catch on, CPT (Join to see)?
CPT Senior Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) - I don't know I heard of thing called ogging. It is spelled with a "j" but it is silent. But you can't do it seating down or with your smart phone. I don't think it will ever catch on.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
You can eat some unhealthy things you just cannot eat them all the time. Exercise and moderation in eating goes a long way. People that eat fast food and prepackaged everything set themselves up for significant weight gain. Done over the course of a lifetime you end up with sever obesity.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Edited >1 y ago
From a simple pragmatic stance. No.

Who the heck reads the warning label on Cigarettes & Tobacco now? What percentage of people read the health information on their food? (and of note, I actually do).

There's a certain point where you have to go. "This is common knowledge. We know this isn't health food."

I am not my brothers keeper. I am not my neighbors keeper. And frankly it's none of the government's business telling me it's "unhealthy" to have a 16oz Steak and 3 fingers of Scotch for dinner. No @#%^ it's "unhealthy." I'm perfectly fine with them verifying it's "safe" however. That's a different issue.

Safety regulation is one thing. That's making sure companies aren't producing "poison." Health regulation is other people telling me I, as an individual am too stupid to eat properly. I'm sorry but not their job, and not a rabbithole they want to go down.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
12 mo
The advice is more oriented to younger generations - particularly young children when they are impressionable so they develop life-long healthy habits, and the adults who prepare their food!
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