Posted on Jul 16, 2015
1LT Jonathan Cowan
Being that the western half of Iraq and Eastern half of Syria have been "cleansed" by ISIS, and any remaining non ISIS personnel have either been killed or have evacuated the area, do you think an all out offensive on any person in that region would be effective or reasonable. Carpet bomb the place and move in to wipe them out...or continue with diplomacy that is clearly working...? and yes that is sarcasm at the end
Posted in these groups: Isis logo ISISMultinational force iraq emblem  mnf i   1 5 Iraq
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 12
SCPO David Lockwood
Edited >1 y ago
I would say yes. ISIS is not your typical enemy. They have a hate filled agenda that they are willing to carry out at all cost. The world must confront them and wipe them form the planet. If not stopped I fear for the rest of the world.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
I agree - the World must confront them - but not the United States by itself. Again. If the local countries aren't willing to do their part, it is not our place to do it for them.
MSgt Jarrod Thomas
MSgt Jarrod Thomas
>1 y
I have to totally disagree with you on that because long gone are the days of TAKE THEM OUT ways of thinking. We have gotten ourselves in a pretty bad pickle that started about 50 years ago when we would accept money from these oil rich countries and allow their children to attend schools here in the USA. You see if we bomb them or take any kind of military action them, their children are already here on our soil and what do you think they are going to do when the USA attacks their Family? They will retaliate and they are already behind enemy lines so it would be so easy for them to attack us. Why do you think they have been so successful in the past. The Major in Fort Hood for example, He didn't just wake one morning and say I think I'll shoot up some people. He is from the middle East and we bombed his relatives so he hit back and I might add he made all the way to the rank of Major so he has been here for a while. So we have to come up with a different strategy. We have to show them a better way of diplomacy and maybe we can extend our borders to include them on a more open level instead of backdoor deals and secret handshakes! This is just my opinion!!!
SSgt Lowell Cottle
SSgt Lowell Cottle
>1 y
MSgt Jarrod Thomas - You make a valid point about their families here in the US however these people simply will NOT listen to anything we have to say. You can not reason with such viscous people. These people are willing to carry out any amount of violence in support of their fundamentalist ideologies, how can you possibly reason with such radicals? Extending our boarders? It's bad enough they are already infiltrating every part of our society, i.e. your example of the the Major from Ft. Hood. There is no easy solution but I am certain the diplomacy train has already sailed.
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Sgt Tom Vaughn
I'm 61. USMC. I own my own M1A/M14 I not only want to attack. But I will supply my own ammo and rifle
It's way past time
This coward of a leader needs to step aside , take his fellow cowards and leave
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COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Edited >1 y ago
1LT Jonathan Cowan I believe that in the coming months if ISIS continues to increase their presence in the region our President will come out with a strategy that is a day late and will cost many dollars in the long run. I'm guessing that he has his National Security Advisors working around the clock on several different courses of action and scenarios that won't look like we are taking the lead. Eventually, he will have to address the other nations in the region and throughout the world and try to bring together a coalition along with tough United Nation's resolutions to the table. Again, this is just a guess. The American people won't stand for this POTUS to do nothing. As I've seen in the past he tends to really follow public opinion! Just a guess and something I think he should have done about 6 or 7 months ago.

Then again, maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part!
MSgt Jarrod Thomas
MSgt Jarrod Thomas
>1 y
I have to totally disagree with you on that because long gone are the days of TAKE THEM OUT ways of thinking. We have gotten ourselves in a pretty bad pickle that started about 50 years ago when we would accept money from these oil rich countries and allow their children to attend schools here in the USA. You see if we bomb them or take any kind of military action them, their children are already here on our soil and what do you think they are going to do when the USA attacks their Family? They will retaliate and they are already behind enemy lines so it would be so easy for them to attack us. Why do you think they have been so successful in the past. The Major in Fort Hood for example, He didn't just wake one morning and say I think I'll shoot up some people. He is from the middle East and we bombed his relatives so he hit back and I might add he made all the way to the rank of Major so he has been here for a while. So we have to come up with a different strategy. We have to show them a better way of diplomacy and maybe we can extend our borders to include them on a more open level instead of backdoor deals and secret handshakes! This is just my opinion!!!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
MSgt Jarrod Thomas I'm not sure if your disagreeing with my response or the subsequent responses below mine; its okay to disagree but I want to make sure you were responding to me. thanks
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
>1 y
I am afraid they will come to power, Genkis Kan did it Napolen did it so did Stalin, Hitler and Adam Hussain. All the infighting going on so they wiped out the opposition and came to power. THEY GAVE WHAT THE PEOPLE WANTED.
SSG Keith Roberson
SSG Keith Roberson
>1 y
Yes Sir, boots on the ground, bomb them relentlessly, then release the Marines and Armored Divisions just like in Desert Shield/Storm. If they want to fight and kill Americans, then let them try while dodging rounds from an Abrams tank or an Apache attack helicopter. Just get the "higher ups" to give the green light, and that will be the end of ISIS as we know it.
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