Posted on Nov 1, 2015
Should we go back to one united uniform for all branches like the BDU?
So up until 2007 I was rocking the green BDU's then came the ABU's and each branch having a distinguished battle uniform which to me we already had when we would wear our Dress Blues, Greens etc. I think it was a total waste of tax payers money to change to distinct uniforms and now there's talk of changing again. What are you thoughts on a singular uniform for all branches and universal regulation across all branches to ensure accountability regardless of which branch/branches of base your on?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
It would make sense for many reasons. Many troops from different branches are deployed together and would give a sense of unity
I thought it made the most sense to have one cammo uniform for all the services, & then let each individual service wear the rank, badges, patches, etc unique to their service. When I was on AD back in the 1990s, I usually wasn't stationed on an Army post. NEX clothing & sales OR clothing & sales on an AF Installations would allow me to obtain replacements for my uniform as needed without traveling 8hrs one way to my closest Army post. The only problem I would run into was the seamstress sewing on my 7th MEDCOM patch incorrectly-the patch is worn upside down.
Plus, wouldn't it save the services money to have 1 standard combat uniform? It is, after all, 1 team, 1 fight!
Plus, wouldn't it save the services money to have 1 standard combat uniform? It is, after all, 1 team, 1 fight!
ONE UNIFORM ONE FIGHT!!!! But seriously, to save on the costs of uniforms, yes there should only be one pattern that all branches wear at the same time. The ACU pattern......TOTAL WASTE of money. Air Force uniforms....I am not even sure what that is supposed to camo you against.....The Navy....Really? Dark blue uniforms to wear at sea while on a large gray ship? Honestly, I think the Marines have it right......Tan and Green. Two patterns that serve multiple purposes.
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