Posted on Jan 1, 2017
SPC Member
Posted in these groups: Rank RankSpecialist 5 %28sp5%29  e 5 SP5Specialist 6 %28sp6%29  e 6 SP6
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MAJ Student
When I joined the Army we Specialist 4-6 (SP7 had just been discontinued). It provided those Soldiers who had technical expertise and experience the opportunity to progress and earn more pay. However they typically were not "green tab" leaders and were subordinate in rank to a "sergeant" of the same pay grade (SSG & SP6). I've often thought over the years that the Army deleted a program that brought added value to the organization by discontinuing these ranks, as not all Soldiers are not going to be good leaders but should have the opportunity to progress based on their occupational expertise.

Should the Army bring these ranks back?
Responses: 1
SGT Sherrie Fanning
No SPC Ranks don't serve a purpose...

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