Posted on May 15, 2015
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
Concepts of universal service means approximately two years of service within a specific time frame. Service is within the physical/intellectual capabilities and choice of the person and needs of the nation and may also assist with job training. Examples include public institutions such as Peace Corps, forestry, national parks, military, medical, educational, etc. Proponents have suggested that one gets at least two years of higher education in exchange for two years of service and the right to vote.
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Responses: 12
SGT David T.
I like this idea as long as it doesn't end up stove piped into the military only. I think the person should choose where they serve and in what capacity but they should serve. A sense of community is something that we are lacking in most places. This might help to bring that back.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
10 y
SGT Thomas, desperately needed! There is little distinction between a citizen and a noncitizen in terms of rights, but not in terms of responsibilities!
SGT David T.
SGT David T.
10 y
Being a citizen carries with it duties and responsibilities. We benefit from living in a society so we all should pitch in to make things better.
MAJ Brigade Logistics Officer (S4)
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Agreed. I don't want unwilling bodies in the military, but service to the country in any form will help instill a greater appreciation for what we have.
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Pretty much my repose to your other question: We should have mandatory conscription for all able bodied males. Just two years to either the military, police, or other civil service sector......if they go one to a full career great....if they don't great also but at least they have gotten a taste of what is it like to server your fellow countrymen and serve with them and sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with that......anyway just my two cents
MSgt Sharon Davis
good idea.. most countries have this.
SP6 Peter Kreutzfeldt
SP6 Peter Kreutzfeldt
2 y
I know Germany has that
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