Posted on Sep 26, 2015
Should there be added benefits to Soldiers who completed their full 8 year requirement and were discharged honorably?
Just throwing this out there to see how what kind of response it would get. I think some sort of yearly stipend would be cool. Nothing outrageous but something to say hey thanks for your service!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 82
Why? It's what we do. What's next, a letter from POTUS thanking us for taking a shower ???
Cpl Timothy A. Lagerstrom
The Certificate of Honorable Discharge was good for me. Its what I signed up for. The thanks of my community is nice. I didnt join to get a letter from the Pres for doing my job the way it was supposed to be done. Honorable Discharge means that you did your job. Above and beyond generally rates medals and such. Everyone wants a trophy.
I don't think so. You come into it knowing there is nothing on the back side unless you do 20 or more. Obviously if your injured you should def get VA compensation.
SSG (Join to see)
I agree with what you are saying MSG, however the VA has to do a much better job of scanning who gets benefits. There are way too many people out there getting 100 percent disability who are first termers and really have not done anything, and at the same time we have others who have done very little who maybe twisted an ankle and had to get a shot in the foot trying to get full disability. The idea of VA compensation is a good one to people who need it, but it has to be scanned there are too many people abusing it and who pays for that? The taxpayers you and me.
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