Posted on Jul 19, 2016
Lt Col Commander
Currently, the world has not formally acknowledge North Korea as a nuclear state to marginalized this threat. It's like telling yourself you don't have termites as they continue to eat your home. Like to know your thoughts.
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Responses: 4
LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
I think of North Korea as a crazy and paranoid druggie 90 pound gangbanger waving a .45 colt M1911 pistol trying to get respect from the world.

His Neopotistic Stalinist Government 'Utopia' that was made fun of in the movie 'The Interview' has polarized the world. South Korea has THAAD missle defense system in the works and too bad if China objects since they never could control him. Japan has missle defense system in place and now is becoming militarized due to the DPNK. Guam and Alaska both have a THAAD system too. Aegis Missle Systems are on Japanese and Korean warships off of the Coast ready to shoot his rockets down.

Dear Crazy leader has been shooting rockets since the late 1990s and the world knows its not for peaceful purposes. N. Korea is under economic sanctions but they don't care!
He learned nukes technology from Iran and from Pakistan. The Axis of Evil is alive and well.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Lt Col (Join to see) - Major, it was called the hidden IMAM. I was talking to another Major while driving back to Philiadelphia. ISIL fanatics are taught the end is near, kill them all, rape the infidels and its ok. They firmly believe their killing is saving them because if they don't their soul won't be saved when Mohammed comes. I wonder if the 12 descendant you refer to,MAJOR, is why Iran wants nukes so they can jump-star or use the Nuke on Israel as the blasting cap to set off the Muslim rapture. This would supposedly bring back Mohammed but I think it will start a world war and Israel as well as most major cities in Iran will be leveled as well. Israel is peaceful but they have 2 dozen or more nukes ready to dispense if attacked by Iran or anyone else who does the same. It is really crazy. Deathwish something out of the Terminator movies where cypberdine systems of the Terminator series launching nukes to destory humanity.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I too had herniated disks going back to 06, that the VA and the Air Force at El Segundo told me it was old age. That changed when Social Security doctors placed me on disability and told me to go back to the VA and demand Spinal MRI. Crazy to think that I too like Logan continued to do what doctors should have told us not to do; now i live in pain.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - Sounds like Jim Jones crap, I lived two blocks from his church and they always tried to get me to join their church; this is why I am against religion getting involved in politics.
SSG Edward Tilton
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SSG Edward Tilton
NO, They have NEVER had a verifiable test
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LTC Self Employed
We can argue that Iran, another nutcase, is helping North Korea with technology Dr. Kahn from Pakistan gave away to those who had money.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
Luckily for us, India is as racist as Pakistan and both sides can't give much away in case another war brews and they need it to kill the other guy. So Pak's hatred of its neighbor ensures that they keep most of their tech to themselves, making them pretty much "neglected" muslims in the nightly news.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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