Posted on Jan 17, 2014
SFC Military Police
I feel it should be law that all political office members from president on down should have to have served in the military before they can be voted into office. If these people are going to have the power to decide who and when we go to war they should know what it is like to lead in the military. Far too many of our leaders have never served, and neither have their children yet they vote to send ours to war.&nbsp;<div>I recall at the height of the war in 2006 when politicians were considering a draft or mandatory conscription service. However they were silent when asked if their own children would be subject to the requirements of such a requirement.</div><div>A doctor must go to med school before they can legally practice medicine so the president should have to be a veteran before they can be commander in chief.</div>
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Responses: 114
Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited >1 y ago
A candidate that has been in the military has shown service to our country. It would be a positive factor depending on the other qualities that the candidate possesses. I do not think it should be mandatory.
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SFC Collin McMillion
Reguired, I say no.....good if he or she did, yes.
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SFC Career Counselor
A President should not be required to have served in the U.S. Military because it will limit the individual to just focus solely on military related issues. A President must be a well rounded individual who understands a little bit of everything in regard to policy and military as well as finances and resource management. These individuals who serve as Presidents have the total leadership package with a concentration in military, law, or business etc.....
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COL Jon Thompson
I am not willing to change the Constitution. Whenever something like this comes though, I am reminded of the book, STARSHIP TROOPERS. No one can become a citizen without serving because by serving, they have demonstrated they put the nation above their own self interests. I said that to my wife once and that was a mistake but it is an interesting position.
LTC Acquisition Intelligence
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Sir....we had to read Starship Troopers when I was enlisted, and I am glad we did. While I (personally) am a big fan of mandatory service for everyone (I think it would clear up a lot of societal problems, although add another mission to the military), I don't expect to ever see it.
CPL Corey Godsey
CPL Corey Godsey
9 y
Sir, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree, as the current Commander in Chief has had no problem walking all over the Constitution of this once great Republic. I would have no problem with a Constitutional Amendment requiring Military service for our Commander in Chief.

Would Apple appoint a food service expert CEO of their organization? Would Walmart appoint a Scientist as their President? Obviously the answer is no, but that is exactly what we did as the American people when we elected a junior senator, with a background in Community Organizing to our highest post in our Armed Forces.

Without knowing the intracicies of the day to day operations and the comaraderie and brotherhood that is shared as a member of the Armed Forces, he hasn't been able to effectively lead or forces. He hasn't used the Generals that have been doing this since he was boy, as effective tools, because he's a politician first and foremost and has his own agenda.

Just my humble opinion, Sir. Have a good day and God Bless.
COL Jon Thompson
COL Jon Thompson
9 y
CPL Corey Godsey I have served with plenty of Soldiers including senior officers, none of which I would ever want for the Presidency. So while I like to see more service members go into politics, military service alone does not make them qualified. While I believe that the primary duty of the U.S. government and therefore the President is to protect the people, there is much more to governing than that. Unfortunately you are right in that the American people elected someone with no experience and it shows but that is the system we have. If there are any changes to the Constitution, I would prefer to see term limits for congress because that is where much of the problem lies as well (on both sides).
CPL Corey Godsey
CPL Corey Godsey
9 y
Sir, while I agree with your statements regarding Congress and many that I have served with that I would not like to see serving as our Commander on Chief, and that the Government has much more substantial role than just protecting our citizens. I still stand fast to my previous statements regarding experience and knowledge of the position that is the ranking post in our Armed Forces. The Military is an organization, yet it is not run like an ordinary organization in the sense that there is very little accountability regarding fraud, waste, and abuse. None of which would be tolerated in the civilian sector. If we are to ever have a Military run efficiently, I believe there will need to be a Commander in Chief that has knowledge of the intricacies of training and war, without an agenda regarded solely on politics.

I appreciate your respectful and opposing views regarding this matter.
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COL Mikel J. Burroughs
I'm saying Yes, but understand that it’s not a requirement for the office. I just think that we are better served to have a Commander in Chief whose been there, done that, and got the T-Shirt. With our country being at war for over the last 15 years now (almost 15) we will have a lot of combat veterans growing up in just about every state in the union, so I think there will be a lot more candidates with military experience down the road. Again its more of a personal preference!
PO2 Stephen Brinkley (Scott)
PO2 Stephen Brinkley (Scott)
>1 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs I completely understand that it isn't a requirement. I'm asking should it become a requirement.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
Yes, I think it should, but I feel we are in the minority on this issue!
CPL Corey Godsey
CPL Corey Godsey
>1 y
Sir, I agree with your sentiments wholeheartedly! Would Apple hire an Architect as there CEO? Or would Wal Mart place a Horticulturalist in charge of day to day operations? Obviously the answer is no, yet we put a man in the highest post of our Armed Forces, with absolutely no experience or knowledge of said organization!
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1SG Military Police
It's always a crap shoot but the YES vote at least gets us someone that understands the long as politics doesn't take over their soul we have a fighting chance.
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SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
I think it should be a requirement for Congress!
The current head of the House Armed Services Committee has spent 0 time in the military.
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SGT Toby Vado
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PVT Infantry Recruit
What i do feel is that the president should be the commander in chief i feel there should be someone else to run the military.
PVT Infantry Recruit
PVT (Join to see)
>1 y
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PO1 John Miller
I don't think it should be a requirement. What I DO think though is that the President, whomever it may be, should listen to the advice of the JCS and respective branch Secretaries and not his "civilian advisers" and base his decisions solely on what those people tell him.
SPC Thomas Baldwin
SPC Thomas Baldwin
>1 y
This is true but that person has to be willing to Lean from them. If they have served they will lean from what the JCS advises and then make a true informed decision.
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