Posted on Aug 26, 2015
SFC William Farrell
Retired General Livsey is arrested in Fayetteville after not paying for Chinese food. From the article in it sounds like the General acted like a bully and says he ashamed to be an American. I think the old saying, If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" applies here. He acted like a criminal and was treated as such. While the article doesn't mention it, I'm sure alcohol was involved.
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From: The Washington Times

A retired four-star Army general was arrested Saturday on charges of assaulting a Chinese food delivery man when he refused to take a check for the bill.

Retired Gen. William “Bill” Livsey, 84, ordered food from The Royal Chef China Bistro in Fayetteville, Georgia, which boasts a four-star review on Yelp. The restaurant told police that Gen. Livsey tried to pay for the delivery with his debit card, but it was declined, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

He then wrote a check for the $80.60 bill but Ryan Irvin, the delivery man, told Gen. Livsey the restaurant didn’t accept checks and that he would have to take back the food, police said, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

By then, the general had reached the end of his patience and he’s accused of pushing Mr. Irvin against the fridge, police said.

Meanwhile, two others in the home took the food and began eating it. Mr. Irvin left the house without payment or the food.

Mr. Irvin then reported the incident to police. When the officers arrived at the home, Gen. Livsey told police he ordered the food and consumed some without paying for it and said the delivery man had pushed him when his debit card was rejected, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

When officers tried to arrest Gen. Livsey, he resisted and sustained a small cut on his arm during the struggle.

When police tried to handcuff him again, Gen. Livsey tried to “punch one of the officers and kick another one all while making threatening and disparaging remarks,” police said.

Gen. Livsey told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution he felt mistreated by the officers saying, “It’s the first time in my life I’m ashamed to be an American. They took me away without my shoes, glasses or medicine.”

He added, “I fought for this country so hard, and I’ve tried to do good all my life.”

Gen. Livsey was charged with robbery, misdemeanor obstruction, theft of services, simple assault and terroristic threats. He was released from the Fayette County jail on his own recognizance by a judge on Tuesday, the newspaper reported.

Gen. Livsey was a platoon leader in the Korean War and later commanded an infantry battalion in Vietnam. He commanded the U.S. Army from 1984 to 1987.

He received many awards and decorations during his military career, including the Distinguished Service Medal, the Silver Star, the Legion of Merit with three Oak Leaf Clusters and the Distinguished Flying Cross, the newspaper reported.

In October 2008, a portion of Highway 314 in Fayetteville was named in Gen. Livsey’s honor.

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