Posted on Jul 27, 2014
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
Should the commander in chief have military experience
This is just a question and not meant to disrespect anybody.
While I was in the Military (1980-88) I served under the Presidents unquestionably.
As a Veteran I often sit and think.
Being Commander in Chief and asking our soldiers to put their life on the line. Shouldn't you have served before asking our Military to do something you never have?
With all due respect. I just believe we should have a Military Requirement before you can be Commander in Chief.
What do you think?
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SFC Military Police
I feel it should be law that all political office members from president on down should have to have served in the military before they can be voted into office. If these people are going to have the power to decide who and when we go to war they should know what it is like to lead in the military. Far too many of our leaders have never served, and neither have their children yet they vote to send ours to war.&nbsp;<div>I recall at the height of the war in 2006 when politicians were considering a draft or mandatory conscription service. However they were silent when asked if their own children would be subject to the requirements of such a requirement.</div><div>A doctor must go to med school before they can legally practice medicine so the president should have to be a veteran before they can be commander in chief.</div>
Responses: 76
SGT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Edited >1 y ago
Forced military experience perhaps not, as other people here have stated that that can become more of a martial oligarchy than a representative democracy. I do however think that the commander in chief should unequivocally have to go through some form of basic military training, if you are going to send men and women to war you should have to know what it is that they must go through, and have a basic understanding of military structure, just my opinion however.
Sgt Cody Dumont
I agree with you.
SSG Buddy Kemper
SSG Buddy Kemper
9 y
I'm with you fellers!
SPC Training Room Nco
I believe they absolutely should. How can you lead a military that you know nothing about? Will I ever speak out against my CIC, regardless of who it is? No. But do I think that armed service should be mandated for the position, to better the future and effectiveness of the military and the country? Absolutely.
LCpl Mark Lefler
We've had POTUS who have had military experience but were terrible presidents Andrew Jackson and US Grant are good examples.
CPT Facilities Contracting And Construction Management Engineer (Mechanical)
The Commander in Chief should have military experience. All Americans should not be required to serve. We are not a country of war and if everyone served then we would no longer be a step above and apart from those that do not chose to serve their country and many are simply not fit to do so.
SGT Operating Room Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
I know our first Commander-In-Chief was military. There have been numerous C-I-Cs since him. I think it would be a nice touch. Surely he would understand the high office from a military perspective.
SPC James Fie
SPC James Fie
>1 y
The problem with that is, generals and other officers (like Lt. JFK) will be too used to saying "Go and do this" and expecting everyone to go and do this. That is NOT how our government works.

Especially lately.
PO1 Command Services
I guess my response would be that we are taught to lead from the front, by example. I have often pondered this question as well and I would have more confidence in a leader that has walked the walk and knows the true gravity of what he or she is asking others to do. We are taught as leaders to not ask our people to do something we are not willing to do ourselves. So I believe military experience should be a prerequisite.
SPC James Fie
SPC James Fie
>1 y
Then why are people in the Senate and House far more likely to have never served, even in the Reserves, but they are the ones who decide when the US can and can't go to war?
PO1 Command Services
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC James Fie, I agree. Anyone with that power should walk the walk before they can ask others to do what they have not.
MSG Scott McBride
Yes. I have always believed that and will always stand by that.
PO1 George Perry
It wouldn't hurt to have a potus that has served, but the whole idea is that they a civilians. I just want them to respect the service. Unfortunately some of them have not
SFC Nikhil Kumra
I think it's a plus but definitely not necessary. We don't necessarily look for "military" skills, but more for skills that the military tries to instill in people. Planning, Organizing and Execution.

Unfortunately I think with the current dude, we don't see much back bone- rather, the result of putting an academic, or "intellectual" in a leadership role. You don't need that nonsense - I would argue that philosophers make the worst leaders because they simply can't make solid black and white decisions.

So it's a plus to have it simply because it does give a person better chances they're voting for a truly type a, organized well polished leader.

But at the end of the day, just because one is/were in the military doesn't preclude them from being a retard or complete piece o shit.

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