Posted on Jan 18, 2016
SFC Dave Wynn
I think it stinks that after this long the Sec of Def. can reduce someone in rank. Even if he or she is a General officer. Yes I know he was convicted of mishandling of classified material. They should have reduced him back then. Maybe we as military community should let our voices be heard.
Posted in these groups: Ucmj UCMJD5cda473 SECDEFBa08892d David Petraeus
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Responses: 139
SFC Keith Bailey
The one thing after 22 years in the ARMY that stuck with me was the fairness of the UCMJ. He was punished, he paid it and should be done with it. This new thing is Politics pure and simple Not the DOD.. This is Political nonsense. How many of you on active duty want to have your screw up brought up years later after you already paid your punishment ?
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
9 y
100% agree..... SFC Keith Bailey
SFC Keith Bailey
SFC Keith Bailey
9 y
Major Hindrichs are you in the Bundeswhier ? Are you in the US ARMY ?
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
We don't know and will never know the whole story of what Gen Petraeus did or didn't do. The timing of all of his proceedings just happened to coincide with a lot of issues with President Obama and then Sec Clinton trying to subvert a lot of other issues and this drew attention away from that. I do however use this as a case study with young officers...I tell them that you can do a million great and wonderful things but one bad thing is what you will be remembered for.
Was he ever convicted of anything? Absolutely not. He may have been the fall guy for other things to distract the American people. Did he mess up with an affair...absolutely. Did he mishandle classified with a reservist/ the way was she in the reservist role with the proper clearances or the writer role...did his cronies give up the paperwork and he took the fall as their leader...we may never know. All we ever get is the media spin anyway and we sit in judgment like the judge/jury/executioner! By the way, his team of battle buddies let him down as well for not looking out for him in these situations and waving him off.
But I do know this...he was and still is in my opinion one of the greatest combat military minds and leaders our DoD has had in many years. I worked for him, way down the chain but he made it a point to make it out to our area to shake all of our hands, as a four star, and to look us in the eye and tell us thank you and that he had our backs...and he did. Let the man stay retired with the 4 stars that he earned.
MAJ FAO - Europe
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth Actually, Petreaus was convicted, in a plea deal, of disclosing classified information. That's a conviction. That he was only convicted on "the leaking of his calendar" is a small point--he pled guilty to this so as to avoid a trial on the bigger charges. And it doesn't matter that he provided classified information to someone with a clearance--she didn't have a need to know. Also, he admitted to lying to the FBI (so, obstruction of justice).
In my mind, he is the example of many of the issues in the military: tactical generals. COIN, in Afghanistan and Iraq, were and are complete failures. He recently argued that airpower was the answer to defeating the Taliban. Not such a great military mind.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
9 y
MAJ (Join to see) - I agree to disagree with your points on him being a great military minded man but I really appreciate you keeping it professional. Thanks for a positive open minded response. Good debate...too many folks make these topics personal.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
9 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - Oops, guilty as charged.
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PV2 Scott Goodpasture
Is it too late to reduce Obama down to Community Organizer? I need a picnic planned for the neighborhood kids and don't have time
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MSgt Billy McDonough
As a GENERAL OFFICER, he should be held to the highest standards AND be sanctioned appropriately. Demotion is definitely appropriate.
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SPC Andrew Griffin
No! If he earned it! Let him keep it!
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1SG Recruiting and Retention NCO (ANG)
Is anyone really paying close attention to the 1300 plus emails that are all considered Classified and above including SAP! And this is from a former SOS and what the GEN is guilty of is the least of all of these infractions! Yes he screwed up and paid for it more than anyone will ever truly appreciate! Ironic that they continue to badger one of the greatest Warriors in modern times! Someday soon I hope there will be a reckoning and the Senator that referred to him as GEN "Be Tray Us!" will also have to pay for her mishandling of Classified material! There you have my .02 cents worth! I stand with the GEN!!!
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Sgt Tom Vaughn
Seems there is something strange about his picture. Or does the army always have their jump wings and ribbon/medals on the right breast ? Just wondering
But who cars He was and still is out.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
9 y
Sgt Tom Vaughn perhaps when a person's priorities are bassackward (servicing a mistress vs servicing your country) so goes their uniform. Maybe the Photoshop 'expert' was trying to send a message?
COL R. Bruce Chisholm
COL R. Bruce Chisholm
9 y
Foreign jump wings and unit awards are worn on the right above the pocket.
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LTC Jaime Franco
If my memory serves me correctly this happen while he was Director of the CIA, as I recall he lost that position because of it. If he was retired and was not on terminal leave at the time I do not believe that he should have been reduced in Rank. For them to make any kind of Military discipline he should fall under UMCJ action.

As I recall his mishandling of classified information is extremely minor compared to what Hilliary Clinton did with her private server and then deleting large numbers of emails, which now are being recovered and shown to have been highly classified. If the American people are unintelligent enough to elect her as the next POTUS, it will show that there is an extremely difference in how people with money can manipulate the system and get away with breaking the law. At the least she should be invited and made to answer for her crimes. In my heart, I am sure that her action while Sec of State, cost America lives and if she gets into office many more American lives will be endanger.
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COL Multifunctional Logistician
GEN Petraeus must be held accountable according to UCMJ. Some skeptics out there may disagree, but Good order and Military Disciplined must be maintained and GEN Petraeus is an admitted adulterer and mishandled classified material. Read the words in your retirement orders, retirees are still subject to UCMJ!. Think of all of the soldiers that were commanded by GEN Petraeus that he presided over in non-UCMJ (Art 15s) and UCMJ actions that committed either of these offenses. Do they not deserve to have the presiding authority held to the same standard that was applied to them. GEN Petraeus was a good officer and did NO more GREAT things than any other soldier on the battlefield. GEN Petraeus must be reduced in rank. LTG (ret) Kip Ward misappropriate $80K and was reduced in rank from GEN, so why does GEN Petraeus deserve a pass; HE doesn't!! He should be recalled to active service and the presiding authority should convene and Article 32 hearing to determine if the action(s) warrant a Court Martial, if no Court Martial then an Article 15. Then GEN Petraeus should go before a grad determination board to determine the level at which he served and recommend the rank for retirement. GEN Petraeus as with all Generals that are very Senior achieve their last Permanent rank as a Major General. My recommendation, is that by his own admission he is guilty of adultery an Article 134, conduct unbecoming of an officer Article 133, and Article 92 – Failure to Obey Order or Regulation.
MAJ David White
MAJ David White
9 y
your argument is well-reasoned and perhaps I should have read it before adding my own. Still, is there a case of double jeopardy here? Furthermore he would not be the first officer of his stature to be allowed to resign to avoid the (further) scandal of formal charges and court martial. I served briefly under an O-6 (lower rank, sure, but similar circumstances) who was provided such an exit. Brief b/c he was relieved as soon as investigation was concluded.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
9 y
I would agree with your assessment, if they used the same logic retroactively to all others have in the military that have been found guilty and then punished in the civilian judiciary.
MAJ David White
MAJ David White
9 y
Maybe I misremember, but doesn't Article-15 action fall under UCMJ? It's a non-judicial but not non-UCMJ punishment. This is really rusty memory, but I seem to recall that it could be refused by the soldier which then triggers more serious legal action? Again, dim memory, but for the interest of clarity can you comment?
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CW4 Ray Montano
This is a difficult call. I have read, and understand, the comments, but lets just isolate the behavior and conduct. He passed on classified information and was having an affair. I don't care much about the second aspect, but have you all ever wondered if, in his career, he ended the careers of other people that conducted themselves similarly? At this point; however, it just does not matter. His actions placed a black mark on an otherwise fantastic career. He will probably always be remembered for his moment of indiscretion and not his career achievements. I think that is punishment enough and we should move on.
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