Posted on Jan 13, 2015
Should Desert Storm Vets who were exposed to chemical agents receive the Purple Heart?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 31
No. Instead how about they recognize the "undiagnosed illness" from there, instead of tap dancing.
MSgt Mike Brown; MBTI-CP; MA, Ph.D.
Interesting how the VA has changed its tune over the last 25-years...Seems to echo the same unfortunate denial of agent orange...
No to the Purple Heart, but some of us sure are dealing with many medical conditions...
I am one of those ODS vets who were exposed and my answer is "NO" good friend and brother SGT Dillion M. Young got one...he never returned alive...R.I.P.
I could never live with myself.
I could never live with myself.
CPL J Sannizzaro
I agree I feel survivors guilt also. That said it was an injury caused by the enemy in combat theater.
The argument that others died and we didn’t is flawed. Soldiers have been wounded and killed by Bullets, Knives, boots, explosevies, and a lengthy list of other instruments. Wounded and killed by these instruments received Purple Hearts. Why is a chemical used by the enemy any different?
The argument that others died and we didn’t is flawed. Soldiers have been wounded and killed by Bullets, Knives, boots, explosevies, and a lengthy list of other instruments. Wounded and killed by these instruments received Purple Hearts. Why is a chemical used by the enemy any different?
SFC Jimmy Arocho
700,000 service members deployed to the Persian Gulf War, Desert Shield/Desert Storm; According to the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veteran Illness (RACGWVI), one-in-four (1:4) are experiencing Chronic Multisymptom Illnesses, attributable to their deployment! If you are healthy then be thankful, but from what I've seen of the 250,000 that are ill, we have a serious medical problem that stems from exposure. According to clinical researchers there will be medical challenges as the population ages.
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