Posted on Jul 3, 2015
LCpl Mark Lefler
So I was standing at a stop light, ready to cross the street to go to Rite Aid, when again a cop sees the light is red, turns his rollers and sirens on and goes through the light then turns them off. I guess to me this is a pet peeve, I see it as a an abuse of power and a bad example. Cops should use their lights and sirens when they have police business to do not because they do not feel like sitting at a red light.
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Responses: 9
LTC Paul Heinlein
Police are given different level of responses to different type of call....typically referred to as Code 1, Code 2, Code 3....depending on the emergency or issue they are responding. Depending on the department, they are normally given some latitude to intermix different aspects of the code to get where they need to get. Anytime a Police car is going to violate/ exceed what a normal citizen could do in a car, normally state law requires the Officer at a minimum to activate the emergency lights and sometimes the siren. Ultimately, the officer is always civilly and criminally liable for their actions while driving...e.g. they do something the violates the typical driving laws. A typical call that officer might have been en-route to would be like a verbal domestic or argument. Since no knowledge of active violence going on, they would not be authorized for lights and sirens...but since the likelihood of violence could occur, their department may allow them to put the lights on to clear an intersection when safe to do so, to get to the call in the most expedient manner possible.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Do as they say, not as they do
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
2 y
Exactly. There are bad cops who have been on the force for decades. Time on the force doesn't make you a good cop. Actions make you a good cop.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
2 y
I have worked with the good and the bad. Time doesn’t necessarily make anyone good at something.
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
2 y
MSG (Join to see) perhaps it was a joke but it was also dismissive of an entire profession that is getting beat up enough for trying to protect and serve their communities. I am obviously pro police but moreover I am on Team America. In the current woke cancel culture environment, people sitting back and silently let a small group malign the values of a nation and those who are trying to serve their Country and communities is only making things worse.
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SGT Eric Engelke
Being on a department now, I can say that it completely depends on the call. Some types of calls we feel do not warrant running code for the whole trip. But, there are certain times when we cannot guarantee people's safety while we wait at a red light.
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