Posted on Mar 20, 2015
Should active duty military be used to secure the borders and ensure the safety of our nation?
Responses: 149
There are very strict Constitutional laws regarding the use of Active Duty Military within the borders of the US.
That is the reason that the National Guard exists. I think the border States can call up the ARNG to secure thier borders without running afoul of those laws.
That is the reason that the National Guard exists. I think the border States can call up the ARNG to secure thier borders without running afoul of those laws.
It is utilized; just in a very specific capacity which is not known by all.
I do believe that we should just resort to using the resources we have and stop trying to fix the world. Not everyone will convert to a democracy. Furthermore it will not guarantee us all to get along.
I do believe that we should just resort to using the resources we have and stop trying to fix the world. Not everyone will convert to a democracy. Furthermore it will not guarantee us all to get along.
All military fall under the Department of Defense, and what are we in "defense" of if not our country's invaders/threats (foreign and domestic)? At the same time, is it really necessary, let alone moral for a military to fill law enforcement role(s)? I mean, isn't that why we have Boarder Patrol, FBI, etc.?
If you put a special operations unit on the border mission ICW the CBP and local and state LEA, there would be some issues the cartels, immigrants and others would have to reconsider!
F3EA targeting cycle can be used in any environment.
F3EA targeting cycle can be used in any environment.
I would say maybe National guard should cover something like that, now if they decided to get rid of the civilian employees and it was strictly military manning the borders then I might agree in a sense. As long as you were given the ROE that are similar to a deployment. I don't know how it would work orders wise when you PCS... And they would probably need a separate MOS , otherwise who would be tasked? Infantry? But then they would not be training to standard for overseas combat.
I would have a separate survey on how this became a debate. Soldiers should have been at the border a long long time ago. Its not a racism thing or an anti-immigration mindset. Protecting national territory is a military job, protecting our borders and shores is a duty.
Posse Commentadus (SP?), i.e., it currently is against the law, so forgive me the spelling, I'm old and forget a lot!
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