Posted on Aug 19, 2015
COL Charles Williams
I saw this post on Face Book, a post from a West Point Soldier I served with (I asked her if I could share this). It is timely, as for some reason many believe women are not already serving in direct combat; they are, and in fact have been for years. This quote is about 1LT Laura Walker, but remember as you wring your hands about women in combat roles... women are a part of our military, and have been answering the call for centuries. When I joined the Army in 1980, the Fort McClellan CG was a female 2 Star General, MG Mary Clarke. I believe all women want, is the opportunity to serve, and to try for whatever they want. Not special treatment, or reduced standards, but the opportunity.

"10 years ago today, 18 August 2005, 1LT Laura Walker was killed in action in Afghanistan. Since the sun came up this morning, I must've sat down 4 different times at my computer, fingers motionless on the keyboard struggling to find the words that I wanted to share today to honor my fallen friend and classmate. With a few hours left in the day, I finally decided to be honest and share that I don't know what to write. I only know that I miss Laura and today was hard. Her family is in my thoughts and prayers. I also know that I was blessed to call Laura a friend; she was a beautiful human being and one of the finest leaders I've known.
Ten years and you still continue to inspire me. Thank you for your friendship, for your service, and for your sacrifice. Well done. Be thou at peace."
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 50
LCDR Deputy Department Head
Thank you for sharing this.
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SSG Delanda Hunt
People let not confuse being in a Combat zone to being in the Combat arms. The Infantry, Armor and Field Artillery is no place for social experiments, this will not make us a more effective fighting force and it will cause a ton of problems. What's going to happen when the PC leaders don't get enough Woman in the Infantry and the few that make it will be on permanent profile after a few months or they will become pregnant. Remember Grunts didn't get pregnant before the social experiment. Lets not forget the claims of sexual harassment. Now what will happen when one of these Infantry girls claim harassment because the Platoon Sgt called her a "bitch", she might not understand that this is normal talk in an Infantry Platoon. Let the games begin. It want be long before the word gets out that the Infantry sucks and young men stop signing up for it. Now what? Morale is low and slots are not being filled, NCO's and Officers careers will be destroyed so someone can pretend to be something they never will be and that's one of the boys.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
>1 y
SSG Delanda Hunt Infantry and Armor guys are not the only ones who fight. I had units, with women, routinely respond to reinforce units in contact including our maneuver forces.
SSG Delanda Hunt
SSG Delanda Hunt
>1 y
TSgt Hunter Logan - Did you watch the HBO series the "Pacific" or the "Band of Brothers" if not, you need to because this will give you a better idea about what I'm talking about. At least try to learn something about the Combat arms before making judgement on me. I did it for 11 years in the Army and Marine Corps and I did serve in Combat. Watch the series if you dare, then get back with me. This is not a reality show, lives are at risk, the Military is not the place for social experiments. This will hurt Women because they will have to compete with men that are stronger, faster and have Testosterone in their veins. They may be able to keep up for awhile but their bodies will start to fall apart, then what?
PO3 Brad Phlipot
PO3 Brad Phlipot
>1 y I may not agree with the Women in all combat roles idea but seems there is no lack of guts, courage, skill and dedication on the part of this young lady she took one hell of a risk and selflessly used herself to shield her brothers while treating them.
SSG Delanda Hunt
SSG Delanda Hunt
9 y
TSgt Hunter Logan - I don't blame the Woman they didn't ask for this, its the Progressive Liberal feminist that want this. I do blame the soup sorry leadership that went along with this even though they knew it was a bad idea. Not a single Army General publicly disagreed with this, just a bunch of yes men that don't care about the Grunts that have no voice in the matter. If I was the Chief of Staff I would have resigned. It's a matter of doing what's right for the good of the service and for the men and woman serving. Political Correctness should have no place in the Military. The Band of Brothers are not just words it's a way of life. Woman no matter how hard they try will never fit in. Woman serve honorable in all services and they have accomplished much, but having then in Combat arms will not make the unit better, most likely it will degrade the combat effectiveness of the unit and this in turn will get people killed. At least give the men a fair chance to survive in combat and this will not do that. Have a nice day Logan.
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PO2 Angelika Laist
Unfortunately, we know that women have been there, but to civilians incidents like this are seen as an unfortunate circumstance of someone that should not even have been there. They make it the military's fault for putting women in harms way. Until the news of jobs for women in combat has officially spread, it is a taboo.
Im very happy that everyone here is so supportive of the subject. Ive had my toll with some Marines back in the day that didn't even think women(I) should even be in the military, and again, i had to prove myself by sending him to the hospital with a broken nose. (he assaulted me first)
So maybe the officiality of women in combat will finally stop us having to prove ourselves over and over again.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
COL Charles Williams it is absolutely true that women have been serving in combat for the history of our country. Even when in "non-combatant" roles if one is under attack, one is then a combat soldier...

Re Ft McClellan, I hope you're healthy - Ft Mc has a huge history of toxic chemicals ala Camp Lejeune, but the government has not officially acknowledged this yet, or paid many claims on it...

PV2 Violet Case
PO1 Sojourner "Chancy" Phillips
Beautiful. Thank you.
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CPT Military Police
Sir. Thank you for sharing this. I'm sorry for your loss. I wish I had words that would give you and her family comfort.
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MSgt Curtis Ellis
Edited >1 y ago
COL Charles Williams Sir, I wanted to thank you for sharing this. I took the liberty of sharing the article attached to the FB page I manage for VFW Post 9972 here in AZ. I think we have a few "Good old boys" at the V whom I think could benefit from a good wake up call. Again, thanks for sharing this and the story of your friend. Be well, and may you stay blessed! :)
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
>1 y
MSgt Curtis Ellis I would agree... if the VFW there... is anything like the rest, or the one here...
SSG Delanda Hunt
SSG Delanda Hunt
9 y
You can have your Charlie Angels, I prefer some hard core, bone crushing, testosterone driven Grunts covering my back. When it comes down to it, I want my borderline juvenile delinquent that I have trained to kill, blow up stuff and close in and destroy the enemy. That's how we role in the Infantry. I'm one of the "Good old boys" and proud of it. Woman in the Infantry suppose to make us a more lethal fighting force? Really, come on man!! This is just PC madness destroying the military. Glad I'm out before this social experiment starts. My background is 11 yrs active duty. USMC 0331 Machine Gunner, 1st 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment 82nd Airborne.
MSgt Curtis Ellis
MSgt Curtis Ellis
9 y
SSG Delanda Hunt - Though I see your point, I'm not quite sure how it ties to the education of our older combat veterans about our newer female combat veterans at a VFW Post... Was your response intentionally shared here or was it suppose to be elsewhere? Just trying to make sure I understand the reply as this would have been better as a direct response to the original post. Thanks!
SSG Delanda Hunt
SSG Delanda Hunt
9 y
Wrong post. take care
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MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
While I do concur with some of the policy objectives advanced by the CMR, on this issue, they couldn't be more illogical or overtly emotional in their approach. To hear them tell it, these 144 Fallen Warriors, who just happen to be female, were involuntary victims of misguided policy decisions premised upon diversity and political correctness. Sadly, this plays well with the Conservative base that "supports the troops!" with lip service while lacking any true understanding or real connection with the Military. I know two women on this list. SPC Michelle Witmer was an MP assigned to the 32nd MP Company of the Wisconsin National Guard. She was killed in a firefight on 9 April 2004, earning the distinction of being the first-ever female National Guard Soldier killed in combat. As you read her name on this list, it makes note that SPC Witmer had two other sisters also in the Army. One of whom was with the 32nd in Iraq. These women were not victims! They were proud MPs and even though they were both given the option of one or the other staying with the rear-D, they would not hear of it. Their unit was mobilizing and deploying, and so were they!

The second Soldier I know on this list was my own Combat Medic, CPL Rachael L. Hugo, killed in an IED strike and SAF attack on 7 OCT 2007. As I type this, the sound of her memorial bracelet on my wrist occasionally clicks against the top of my laptop. CPL Hugo was an angel of mercy, both to my Soldiers when they were wounded as well as to the local Iraqi population she loved to interact with. If there was an opportunity to escape her normal duties at the Battalion Aid Station and mount up, she was all over it! It was on the return trip from one of these missions when the vehicle in which she was riding struck an IED, the blast ripping up and directly through the seat in which she was riding.

Civilians and armchair warriors can (and will) think what they want about women in combat, but if they think they are not already there they are late to the rodeo. But if they think of the women on this list as victims, and now seek to utilize this sacred roll to advance a political agenda, that makes them hypocrites and scum of the lowest garden variety!

Stand up and against this BS; don't let the names on this list become a chip in the poker game of politics!
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SSG Keith Cashion
I think people need to stop looking at gender. People need to look at the military for the uniform. I've worked in units with and without women, and have lead in those units as well. My theory on it was "We all wear the same uniform, so what one does, we all do." It worked, and I never had problems. If you meet the standard and can do the job, more power to you. Go get some.
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PO1 John Miller
COL Charles Williams
Questions like yours and the fact that some people don't think that women who serve(d) in the military are veterans blow my mind.

Thanks for sharing.
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