Posted on Jun 26, 2015
SCOTUS ruled that states cannot ban same sex marriage?
Responses: 18

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I know many people in RPland will disagree with me, and that's fine...
Remember that the First Amendment prohibits the government from establishing or prohibiting the practice of any religion.
Lev. 18:22 is a critical verse in the Torah, in that it prohibits male/male homosexual penetrative intercourse.
That being said, there is nothing outside of religious law that justifies defining marriage as ONLY between a man and a woman. Remember Gen 1:27 says that God created us male AND female. This means not all of us are cis-gendered, heterosexual people...
So, taking religion out of the picture, even though I've invoked it here, what sociological justification is there for banning gay marriage? I see none personally...
Remember that the First Amendment prohibits the government from establishing or prohibiting the practice of any religion.
Lev. 18:22 is a critical verse in the Torah, in that it prohibits male/male homosexual penetrative intercourse.
That being said, there is nothing outside of religious law that justifies defining marriage as ONLY between a man and a woman. Remember Gen 1:27 says that God created us male AND female. This means not all of us are cis-gendered, heterosexual people...
So, taking religion out of the picture, even though I've invoked it here, what sociological justification is there for banning gay marriage? I see none personally...
To be honest, I've been wondering why the state is involved in marriage to begin with. Amusingly, when it became something to be licensed and controlled by the states, many religious leaders felt that was the end of the world. It is, by and large, a religious or social institution. It only exists at the state and federal level for tax and inheritance purposes.
Personally, I think we need to abandon the whole thing at a government level and issue "civil unions" to any two people who want to tie themselves together for tax, income, decision making and inheritance purposes. Purely contractual. If you want a ceremony, go hire a pastor.
Personally, I think we need to abandon the whole thing at a government level and issue "civil unions" to any two people who want to tie themselves together for tax, income, decision making and inheritance purposes. Purely contractual. If you want a ceremony, go hire a pastor.
TSgt Joshua Copeland
SGT Jeremiah B., I have been saying something similar for years. The caveat is any two or more mutually consenting adult.
If they had denied it would have set back gay rights by a decade or more and thrown the states that legalized it into turmoil. I think they made the right call.
Read This Next
There is much more to life than having children. We are also told in Genesis to rule the world. Ruling it doesn't mean destroying it, it means protecting and preserving it. Part of that is to control population growth to sustainable levels.
This is a very emotionally charged topic, and we are dealing with an issue where religious beliefs are informing state policy. The Founding Fathers wisely put the separation clause of the First Amendment in to try to avoid this...
For those who don't believe in God and are more spiritual in nature... Nature did not design humans to be homosexual. Homosexuality goes against our biology. The colon is an out hole... It was not designed to have things going into it. Period.
Man in his finite wisdom can't change nature's design simply by redefining marriage. But man, in his rebellion against God's supreme authority, feels he can do whatever he wants... and does, to his own detriment. God's laws are not burdensome; they are designed to help people live a happier, healthier, more abundant and fruitful life. When we go against God, we invariably make problems for ourselves. This decision is a ominous prelude to the destruction of our society and the loss of freedoms that we have today. How could we be so short-sighted?
The following link contains 10 key quotes, taken from what our Supreme Court justices wrote in regards to the ruling on gay marriage:
10 key quotes from the Supreme Court's gay marriage decision
Inside the high court, passions ran deep, as seen in the justices’ responses. POLITICO takes a look at 10 of the key quotes from the gay marriage decision.
While it is certainly true that Lev. 18:22 prohibits male male penetrative sex, consider how many other Commandments from Torah are violated by people on a daily basis. Do you keep strictly Kosher? Observe the Sabbath rigorously? Donate to the poor, visit the sick, work to free the captives, etc? The vast majority of people who decry homosexuality are in fact violating many commandments.
The rabbis in the Talmud outlawed or changed several Torah commandments because of the intense humanitarian harm that came from them. These include the death penalty, the rebellious son, and Eye for an Eye.
I disagree with your characterizations about nature. A number of animals in nature change genders with the proper stimulus, and there are gay animals in nature.