Posted on Jun 11, 2014
LTC Cavalry Officer
We started a monthly SHARP (Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Program) discussion including the Battalion Command Team (CDR, CSM and XO) and Company Command Teams (CDR and 1SG) in order to both ensure we had a regular time to discuss this part of the Army and to give everyone the opportunity to both contribute and learn. There is no specific agenda, other than seeing what is being mandated or has become a key point. We have discussed how to capture SHARP on evaluations, what problems we have in our unit(s), how we can attack the problem (after identifying what "the problem" is), and other topics.
Usually the CSM and I discuss what we think we need to talk about, and then will open the discussion with the command teams. Sometimes the discussion takes an entirely different direction than we planned, but each time I learn something about the unit and our leaders, all within the SHARP context.
Does anyone else have ideas or resources that would continue to help this monthly discussion stay meaningful, relevant and purposeful? This is not intended to rehash the mandatory training, but to expand on the Army's SHARP among comand and battalion leaders.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 2
LTC Acquisition Intelligence
Sir...we just had our SHARP panel at CGSC. I went in jaded, but was quickly brought on board with the message. 3 of our fellow students/officers publicly shared their story of being SA victims. While that is probably hard to get at a unit level, they also showed us a video CAPE produced where a SPC described a (graphic) sexual assault he was a victim of. I've been in the military (Marines and Army) 17 years, and I've never heard of something like this.

The panel had a BIG impact on my small-group, and we continued to discuss it today. I think getting that CAPE video would be easy/feasible...I'm not sure how the SHARP Academy found the volunteers, but their selflessness/bravery in sharing their stories made a BIG impact on all of us.
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Capt Current Operations Officer (S 3)
Could you tell us non-Army folk what SHARP is? If its what I think it is, then its something like the Marine Corps SAPR Program. Which brings up the issue of sexual assault prevention and response.

If it is like our SAPR program, the Marine corps uses videos/scenarios to aid in discussions to bring up points of whats right, wrong and talk about gray areas.

Here are some Marine Corps Resources that might help spark converstations...maybe this will help:
LTC Cavalry Officer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks LT Blais, SHARP is the Army's Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Program, and we have videos/scenarios as well. What I am trying to get at is to have regular, relevant conversations with my battalion leaders (company commanders, first sergeants, and staff) about SHARP that we can all use to better how we teach, train and develop others across the various units (companies and battalion).
Thanks for the additional links, I will check them out!
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