Regarding the recent statement by a Federal Judge that the NSA surveillance and phone record keeping is most likely unconstitutional...
Given that a Federal Judge has stated that the NSA collection of phone records is most likely unconstitutional, should Americans in general, and Servicemembers (Sworn to support and defend the Constitution) specifically, continue to support the NSA surveillance?
(Also, I debated with myself for awhile about whether to make this a new topic or include it in the older one, but for a number of reasons, decided to make it its own topic.)
The NSA collection of US to US phone call information is not international in nature by any stretch of the imagination.
True, but as I was telling the the Petty Officer, that data is not touched by our service members supporting NSA. For that matter, it is not accessed by the civilians under most circumstances since to do so would be a violation of direct orders from POTUS. The fact that the NSA even has the records was due to deception and collusion that occurred during the Bush administration and with the complicity of a Republican dominated Congress. Patriot Acts that now require a super majority to repeal prior to their expiration. Patriot Acts that are continually renewed by every NDAA since 2002, inserted by Republicans like McCain who sit on the Armed Forces Committee. The NSAs possession of those records is the law until SCOTUS or Congress says otherwise.
The fact that it is the law does not mean it is Constitutional. The Constitutionality has not (yet) been challenged. And while I understand that it IS the law, and as such, I have no choice but to abide by it. It doesn't mean I have to agree with it, or support it, or defend it.
If the “most likely unconstitutional” changes to “unconstitutional”
then legally we shouldn’t support it, but something tells me surveillance of
this nature will continue, especially considering the combined US CONUS/OCONUS
interests, it’s not like our enemies play by the rule anyway. I also compare this to the type of stealth, and
sometimes direct surveillance one must maintain over our children and or
If it has been deemed unconstitutional, I'm guessing it will be eliminated. There's no way that it can continue legally. If it does continue then we cannot support it because it is against the constitution and it's also illegal and we arent forced to follow illegal orders.