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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Nov 29, 2017
SMA Ray Chandler
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SMA Ray Chandler
Hey everyone thanks for your questions. All of my answers will be my own, aren't screened by the Department of the Army and are just my thoughts. Thanks to Rally Point for this awesome opportunity!!
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
>1 y
Awesome, this is gonna be great!
SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA
SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA
>1 y
Wonderful that you are taking the time for all of us here SMA!
SGT Joseph Gunderson
I am curious as to your opinions on the current transgender policies in the military. Speaking from someone who has been at the very top of the chain and privy to the creation of policy, what are your views in regards to allowing for the open service of transgender service members? Do you believe that the government should be paying the bill for any medical procedures dealing with this condition? Do you believe that there is even a way to incorporate these service members into the system without compromising standards or operating procedures? Lastly, with accepting applicants with a documented mental/behavioral health condition, such as transgenderism, do you think that this might open the door for other less than qualified applicants to site these cases as a reason for their own issues to be overlooked when entering service? May this also occur with service members who have served and were forced to be discharged or medically retired for certain mental/behavioral health concerns as well?
MAJ Tel-Jonah Stern
MAJ Tel-Jonah Stern
>1 y
Politics and personal opinions aside, the Sgt’s question is a very good question. Trans female->male are now disadvantaged.
SSG Dave Johnston
SSG Dave Johnston
>1 y
The "Transgender" question is a catch 22 to anyone who is Active duty, including reserve component, that is willing to answer it.
1. A "Psych" eval would be required to determine ones orientation,[ see https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/basics/howmanychromosomes] like it or not the "transgender" question will always be "is they is, or is they ain't"(sorry; jazz, be-bop). The orientation must be determined for placement and retention
2. Male to Female: in a closed [male only] military skill; reclass?Side bar{can females perform as infantry,[truth, not PC?]} The U.S. Marines already tested a "mixed" gender unit of infantry with a degraded results in a mixed gender unit.
Or force the Services to open all skill sets to all comers.
3. Female to Male or Male to Female: Since HGH will be required during the course of Service for the individual to meet the standards of a "Closed" Military skill set, Should those "hormones" be maintained in the theaters formulary pharmacy while the individual is deployed? "Doc" already has enough on 'his' plate, why add to it.
Ok, members of the transgender community want to serve and continue serving but, "The needs of the many..."
4. Should DOD require, or the Courts force, the services to accept transgendered individuals to remain in or initially enlist in the Armed Forces.
Combat is Jazz, once contact is made all bets are off and regardless of training leaders and leadership develop under stress. Is there really a need to add to it?
SSG Antoinette Azevedo Toscano
SSG Antoinette Azevedo Toscano
>1 y
Great question. Thank you for asking it.
SSG Dave Johnston
SSG Dave Johnston
7 y
Since AR 40-501"Standards of Medical Fitness", is used by MEPS, sorry 3 year assignment to LA MEPS, do any of these conditions apply? AR 40-501, Chap 2, 2-14 a. (5), b.(1), (5), d. And 2-27, d. (1),(2), e., g., [j.], n. or is DOD going to eliminate the above mentioned.
CPT Aaron Kletzing
Wow, SMA Ray Chandler is doing a Q&A with all of us on RP. That is so awesome. What an honor to have him join us here, can’t wait to see all the stuff he writes. America!
SMA Ray Chandler
SMA Ray Chandler
>1 y
you are welcome

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