Posted on May 9, 2015
MSG Senior Career Manager
Rally Point is a social media sight. It's here for people to exhange ideas. It's not a sight to bully people or demean them for having a different opinion than you. With that said if the current protocal calls for an explanation of a down vote that doesn't give anyone the right to speak down to another service member for not complying. It's hard enough to get junior service members to feel comfortable enough to speak freely without fear of retribution so the added pressure of a senior service member telling them to man up does not help. Remember it's just social media, take it down a notch or two.
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Responses: 18
CW5 Desk Officer
Someone is wrong on internet
I agree with you, MSG (Join to see). Everyone - from the most junior to most senior member of RallyPoint - should be respectful towards other members in this forum. That's a given. We all learned respect in the military, and RallyPoint is a great place to practice what we learned in that regard.

On the issue of down-votes ... The "rule" is a comment on the Support Center page about DOWN voting:

"Many consider it a common courtesy to post a response or a comment (whichever is appropriate) to the person you down voted, explaining why you voted down. This is particularly true if you down voted because of a strong difference of opinion."

I tend to agree with that suggestion. People of all ranks can respectfully disagree and even down-vote. It's just common courtesy to comment and explain the down-vote (in my opinion).

As for anyone "talking down" to anyone else ... This is not the place for that. We agree on that completely. And we agree on "taking it down a notch or two." You're right. This is social media. It's a place to exchange ideas. Absolutely no need for drama or hystrionics.
MSG Senior Career Manager
MSG (Join to see)
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Chief, Thanks for the link.
CW5 Desk Officer
CW5 (Join to see)
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Amen to that, PO2 William Allen Crowder.
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SrA Jonathan Carbonaro
Honestly, I know that is a fear of mine. Words are like Bullets, once you send it you can't call it back. I personally have found myself typing a reply to something I personally believe, then thinking about the consequences of that post if someone higher up reads it and disagrees then I delete what I would of said.

Regardless of the rules on this site, we are still responsible for what we say. And unlike saying it in person where you can simply deny saying it, on here a simple screen shot and you're done. I don't fear retribution on Rally point, because at the end of the day its virtual. I fear it in real life from "leadership" where the damage can be more then just a "dislike"

SPC Charles Brown
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COL Charles Williams
MSG (Join to see) Hopefully I have never made anyone on Rally Point feel like I was coming down on them, as that was/is never my intent. I generally down vote no one, as I value all comments and opinions; they all help me be better. I don't like getting down votes, especially when (A) someone misses my point, which is usually my fault; or, (B) even worse when they down vote and don't even explain why. It may sound silly, but I we disagree here, I at least want to the opportunity to clarify or explain; especially where there is a misunderstanding, which is easy in social media.
MSG Senior Career Manager
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Sir, I completely agree with you point. I just don't think it's necessary to go as far as to question someone's manhood when they don't leave a comment after a down vote.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
>1 y
I agree.... But, I have been around a good bit, so things don't surprise me. Nevertheless, I will always endeavor to stay on the high ground. If I falter, tell me. MSG (Join to see)
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