Posted on May 19, 2015
PVT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
I am currently in AIT as a 25Q I kinda got caught up in the whole you need to pick an mos at MEPS and picked this job and still don't know exactly what I will be doing at my duty station would love some ensight.
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Responses: 8
SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
As a 25Q for 6 years now I can tell you first hand what you're learning in AIT is probably not going to be what your ultimately going to be doin at your unit. If your learning anything else on the LOS shelters, those are obscolete. Any time you can capitilize on the STT would be very beneficial as well as learning whether or not the equipment is recent to the upgrade that went around.
SSG Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
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LOS shelters are not "obsolete." Expeditionary Signal units utilize them very frequently and can be used as an additional backbone for your network. The newer shelters turn the frequency into an IP, etc...

STT/CPN will most likely be your primary focus. As a 25Q, it ultimately depends what type of unit you will go to.
SPC Command Group Driver
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If you are sent to an ESB you will most likely be working on a CPN. The CPN has a V3 STT (TDMA only) and a V1 HCLOS. If you are lucky you will be on a JNN or SSS team which have V3 HCLOS slots for 25Q.

ESBs are receiving new equipment all the time however the best skill you can learn is signal flow. You will work on out dated equipment in AIT but they are very similar to never versions in regards to signal flow. Take advantage of all the training you can.

Hit your new unit with an open mind and take advantage of every cross training opportunity you have. Make sure you get your 8570.1 accreditation and push your unit to send you to school. Find a great leader and you will be good to go.

The signal world is pretty small so make some great contacts and don't burn any bridges. Best of luck to you.
SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
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As a 25Q, deploy with an Expeditionary Signal Battalion, I can tell you that we are not using LOS Shelters, they are obsolete. Focus yourself working and learn how to troubleshoot an STT. When you get to your duty station identify your training NCO and ask him/her about different training that can help you complement your MOS and expand your knowledge.
SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
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Even though I'm a 25Q, I'm a 25B at heart, but I'm in a 25U slot
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SPC Satcom Systems Operator/Maintainer
PVT (Join to see) congrats on joining a family that are more than just a uniform, now your question I've read your comments in a signal battalion since I just got to one which is 63rd ESB you will be on a sat team usually three people sometimes 2 either way your primary will be the stt with the hclos truck as a backup system least mine is I have a background of 4 years with light infantry in fort drum so I kinda cut againist the grain for my units standards but I work around it to get along and help the mission. For you this being your first unit I will say always listen to what is said you will always learn be ready for that as well as leadership just because it's relaxed compared to infantry(no offense to any in ESB's who read this) but always remember customs, and respect all leaders NCOs go to parade rest until told otherwise officers attention until otherwise told. Make friends learn about your platoon and company and unit. A big thing always treat everyone with respect they cause trouble don't go near them a saying from my old unit (with some language omitted) "Soldiers you are who you are around, so for the love of god make good friends and good choices." Hangout with those who show they are good not just looking good but actions as well. Always be early and always do your best that's the most I can give you have a great day and welcome brother to a great group of people
PVT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
PVT (Join to see)
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Thank you so much for this.
SPC Satcom Systems Operator/Maintainer
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Never a problem it's just what I've learned from almost 5 years and any advise I can give anyone I'm more than willing to share just ask sometime
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SGT Christopher Hoffman
PVT Michael Parker....first off topic, nice to see that you have the same name as one of my most revered company commanders. But seriously, you will need to be ready to work not only in the LOS shelters, but also with the STT and you should capitalize on every opportunity to learn the equipment as SGT Mathis has stated. I will add to it as well that you need to take every opportunity to get familiar with the 25 Bravo side of the house as in my second tour in Iraq, I was more 25 Bravo then our assigned MOS of 25 Quebec. That means learn as much as you can on computer hardware and software. Take the time to get certified in Microsoft systems, all of them.

Now as far as your projected assignment, watch out for a SFC Jamie Skinner. Great guy, will push you to the limit and then some. Learn from him and apply what you learn. You will do just fine.
PVT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
PVT (Join to see)
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This has been very helpful honestly thank you for this im excited to start my career and learn new things.
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