Posted on Nov 19, 2014
Proper placement of special skill badges on ACUs.
Why do I continue to see Soldiers of ALL ranks improperly wearing 4 social skill badges? I have seen NCOs (junior and senior), Warrants, and Officers wearing them with two badges centered directly above the name tape, the third badge centered above those, and the fourth (highest) badge worn centered above the third. Regulations clearly state in black and white that they will be worn in rows of two, with 1/2 inch between badges and 1/4 inch between rows. Am I completely misreading the black and white in the regulation, or is there some secret ALARACT that tells people not to care? Please help me fix this issue!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Before anyone gets the wrong impression, I'm not posting this to vent or complain; I'm hoping to get help in correcting a common mistake and spreading the knowledge of the right way.
SSG (Join to see)
I'll like the regs on a 5 stack because there is only one way to do it. The 4 badge stack looked goofy in both ways to do it in my opinion.
SFC (Join to see) I think this is one of those age old questions. I know I asked several Soldiers in my time why they we wearing 3 rows instead of the allowed 2 and I always got "Well my XX Badge has to be on top, it means more to me" I guess we have slowly allowed the pride in a badge outweigh AR 670-1
SFC (Join to see)
I can understand the pride in the badge, and even in the appearance aspect. It usually looks better wearing it the wrong way, since the higher badges are usually bigger. But it's just a sad state that we have prioritized appearance or personal pride over doing the right thing. I would take more pride in being correct than in emphasizing one particular badge.
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