Posted on Jan 28, 2014
SSG Platoon Sergeant
Just a few minutes ago the Potus stated he wants to increase minimum wage for federally funded employees with a specific angle at cooks that feed the troops. He says he wants $10.10 to be their minimum wage. I personally don't think that a person who cooks and serves food to the troops should make more money than the troops themselves. A civilian who would work 40 hours a week at $10.10 would make more money than some of our young troops.
What's your opinion?
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Responses: 6
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
I'm curious as to why you disagree?  I think it seems pretty fair considering all lower enlisted who are not married live in rent free housing as well as have a meal card.  They also maintain free medical care.  I've never worked as a civilian/federally employed cook but I'm sure they're not entitled to the same benefits.  At least the free room and board.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
11 y

I typed this on your original post but you moved it lol


"Well you can blame Congress for the 1 percent pay raise. I actually checked on the site and for the past four years, I believe, the proposed military base pay raise has been 4 percent. However, when the proposal makes it's way into Congress, it's sadly decreased. Just the way it goes.... "

SSG Platoon Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
I understand it falls on congress and ultimately falls on the people of our nation who vote these politicians into office (supposedly as many think but it is really the electoral college, the nations votes just let the members of the electoral college know who we the people want). All of that aside I know that it has in years past been a better pay raise. But like I said, it is my opinion that the method of our military pay raises needs to be revised.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div><br></div>
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
11 y
Oh, I was agreeing with you on that. 
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - Surely you are joking? Let the electoral college know who we wanr. They don't care who we want, and Congress don't care what we want or need. It's all about power and money now.
SSG Program Control Manager
A PV2 is making about $9 an hour plus they are provided with free housing, 3 means a day, full medical and dental care without having to purchase insurance or make copay's... which means their compensation is really much higher than $9 an hour or even $10.10 an hour despite the fact that they are most likely in student status still learning their MOS.

I'd like to see them both start at $15 an hour, with the soldier retaining all the same benefits.
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Maj John Bell
Federal sector compensation growth has far outstripped inflation and private sector compensation growth for decades. If I run a business and I don't keep my compensation package competitive, I won't be able to hire quality employees. I will pay more for employee screw ups and turnover, and poor quality in the product or service I provide. But that is my business. If the government is going to make profit and loss decisions for my business, then they better guarantee my profit.
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