Posted on Jul 23, 2016

With the broad spectrum of Republican candidates, how did we end up with Trump and Clinton?
Suspended Profile
There were over a dozen Republican candidates: Dr. Carson, Trump, Christie, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Carlie Fiorina, Gingrich and more. The Democratic Party may have had their process rigged but there was only two choices...
With the broad spectrum of Republican candidates, how in the wide, wide world of sports did we end up with Trump?
With the broad spectrum of Republican candidates, how in the wide, wide world of sports did we end up with Trump?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 40
I believe that Trump cornered the market on authoritarianism/populism while the remainder of the Republican electorate was split fairly equally between all the candidates. I'm not sure if it was through luck or skill, however Trump assessed the political market and became the candidate that could win. Soon we will discover if his assessment the American electorate is as accurate as his assessment of the Republican electorate.
For the record - Maj. Carl Ballinger blocked me from replying to his posts. I guess I was asking some hard questions. And FYI, I was not kicked out of the Corps. I was in the promotion zone for Gunnery Sergeant. I left because my additional last SNCO Technical MOS (EPLRS Master Station Maintenance Technician) doomed me permanently to two types of units.... One of three infantry divisions, which I had just finished serving with, and Navy LHDs - they carry around Marines. Our deployment and exercise schedule / rotation was getting crazy. I missed my son being born, and that was enough. I separated at end of service HONORABLY, and am (or was at least at the time) eligible to reenlist. Not because of a lack of pride - which I will never lose. I hope to God that the Marines are still handing that out.

TSgt Craig Crews
Well said!!!

SSgt W. Aaron Gregory
You would have to have read the entire thread and followed along, LT. This is now days old. Battle's over.

SSgt W. Aaron Gregory
LT Tom Baillie - Have no fear, sir... there WILL be others!!! You will not be left behind. ;)
I think it's a mixture of what others have said. Trump has the right rhetoric for how many Americans feel right now. Many Americans are tired of always having to be politically correct, or having what they say critiqued down to the letter, and Trump's speeches were refreshingly against the status quo.
As for Clinton getting the nomination from her party, was there ever really any doubt the DNC would play dirty to make it happen? It's how the Clintons are, and it's how they always will be.
As for Clinton getting the nomination from her party, was there ever really any doubt the DNC would play dirty to make it happen? It's how the Clintons are, and it's how they always will be.
SGT David Commini
MAJ Charles Blake - I do know a few people who, if not outright denying it, at least ignore it.
SGT Cynthia Douglas Ybarra
Why are we so obsessed with the Clinton's? Our focus should be on the current president and his credentials, values and rhetoric.
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