Posted on Nov 1, 2013
Capt Jason Minnich
I've been given word that my next assignment once I finish at AFIT will be Kirtland AFB. I was wondering if anyone on Rally Point has been there, and can give any gouge to help me and the collective community.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>From what I've gathered thus far the areas directly outside the gate is essentially a war zone for the drug cartels and I have been told to give that a wide berth. I try to buy houses at bases where it makes sense and I can make a positive investment but I just don't see Kirtland fitting that model with the low rental rates in the immediate area around the base and a very large amount of cheap rental housing available in good gated communities.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Further, I recently got married to a wonderful woman who will be moving with me to Kirtland and I'm very concerned that she will be able to find a good job working in information technology in a safe part of town doing productive work. If anyone is able to add something to the conversation I would really appreciate it.</div><div><br></div><div>Jason</div>
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Responses: 9
Capt Brandon Charters
Jason- Please connect with me personally.  I would be happy to fill you in on all Kirtland AFB has to offer. Let's set up a call to discuss. 

I spent 5 years stationed in Albuquerque (also working in industry) and had an awesome time there.  It's not nearly as bad as many think it is.  


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PO2 John Crutchfield
Drug Cartels?  I'm an IT contractor at Kirtland AFB and an Albuquerque resident.  Sure, the areas directly around the base are lower income housing.  Do drug transactions take place there?  Probably.  Are the drug cartels a problem?  I've never had a problem driving through those areas, so I wouldn't know.  However, having been a resident in Albuquerque for 34 years (raised here, joined military-saw the world, got out and moved to Phoenix, then moved back to ABQ), I feel very safe here.  Sure, there are areas that I don't go into, but those are few.  I raised two kids here in ABQ.  Both went to public schools and are now attending UNM.

Many of the officers I work with own homes here.  A very popular area is the Far NE Heights.  Beautiful homes and great resale value.  I would be happy to do some email correspondence with you.

There are a lot of opportunities for IT personnel here in ABQ.  I should know as I've had a successful IT career since coming back in 1999.  There are quite a few defense contractors at Kirtland, if that interests your wife.  Again, I'd be willing to help there too.

Let me know.
LTC Frank Prautzsch
LTC Frank Prautzsch
11 y

There is no place on this planet that is safe. ABQ is a beautiful city with repectable stats on dealing with this issue The article above is about 3 years old but some things dont change.  I will tell you that ABQ by geography and size is a distribution and transloading point for narco traffickers and always will be. 

ABQ also presents a convergence of multiple cartels all doing business and that usually means cartel on cartel warfare.

my 2 cents.
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MSgt Afmc Command Center, Training
My husband and I recently PCS'd from Kirtland b/c he was accepted to AFIT. We were there three years; we left this past Aug. While we didn't particularly like it, it is all in how you look at it. We chose to live on base, so we didn't have to drive far and for security reasons. If you decide to live off base...northeast heights is nicer with gated communities and not that bad of a drive to base. Rio Rancho is nice, but it's a bit of a drive and traffic is awful that way. Albuquerque is a university town, downtown stays pretty busy. The hospitals are pretty good and plentiful, which is good since the base only has clinics and base clinics are off base. There is a school on base and two CDCs if you need or eventually need them. They just got a new exchange when we left. The base is huge land wise, but main base is mostly condensed into a small section of it. There are things you can do but the bigger cities are 3-6 hours away. We found this to be a negative. If you like to ski, take advantage of that. There are dust storms, high dry heat, but winters are tolerable. 5000 above sea level, running may be a challenge to get used to at first. The base is nice, nice lodging, decent TLF. If you do decide to live on base, read your rental agreement closely and ask questions of you need to. The war zone, yeah that's the nickname for the neighborhoods right outside the gates, but every base has a "ghetto" and this one is no different. Keep your car and home doors locked. We never encountered any problems. If you enjoy Brazilian food, you must go to Tucanos.
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PCS to Kirtland AFB - Info Requested on location, housing, and spousal employment
MSgt Aircrew Controller Ii

Don't believe the "Urban Legends" surround the area outside of Kirtland AFB.  Is it lower income families/housing, Yes.  Is there associated criminal activity with it, Yes.  Was there a shooting off base, that resulted in stray bullets going into 'on base' housing? Yes, however that was like 20 years ago, and that housing area no longer exists.  Is it a place you want to be after dark? I have been in that area after dark and never felt, unsafe, I also didn't go wandering down dark alleys or unlit streets, I mean common sense has to prevail at some point.

There's pleny of good quality housing off base and on base as well.  They just built all of the housing in the last 10-15 years.  They were one of the first Air Force bases to go to privatized housing.

There's plenty of IT related jobs in Albuquerque. There is a huge Intel plant in Rio Rancho!  The DOE is always hiring IT people, as well as the Air Force GS possibilities.

Albuquerque is a beautiful city, with great opportunities for a young married couple.

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LTC Frank Prautzsch

You are going to experience narcotrafficking through ABQ no matter what.

Here is an article that is about 3 years old but frankly probably is a pretty salient story.

I dont know too much more on the topic other than history and Google information.  There is no place on this planet to be completely safe....

PO2 John Crutchfield
PO2 John Crutchfield
11 y
OK.  I agree that there is narcotrafficking in ABQ to transfer drugs to other cities.  I-40 runs from CA thru ABQ to NC, so it's a major distribution line.  It's happening.  My point above is that we citizens of ABQ don't see big gunfights over territory, right outside the Kirtland gate.  The areas surrounding Kirtland are mostly low-income (except for one community directly east of the base).  I just wanted to convey the fact that while ABQ does have it's problems, it's not nearly as bad as some tend to think.  I truly believe that ABQ is a wonderful place to live.
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LTC Yinon Weiss
Jason, have you checked out the Kirtland page on RallyPoint? Looks like there are a bunch of people you can connect with. Hopefully others will provide some good info for you on this discussion as well!

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Capt Brandon Charters
Jason - Hope you are doing well. Give us an update. Are you all moved in?
How's Kirtland treating you?
Capt Jason Minnich
Capt Jason Minnich
>1 y
Brandon - Thanks for the follow up , it's been a bit of a difficult transition but we are settling in here well. Unfortunately the neighborhood we moved in to seemed safe when we moved here but we are about 2 blocks from where the teenagers killed the two homeless, which was quite shocking for my wife.

She's currently looking for a job that would get her out of the house as she doesn't feel as comfortable being there alone and I agree she should try to find something if she can. She does Java and software development but it seems there is some difficulty finding much in that field in the area, but we are hopeful. thanks again for checking up!
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Capt Chief, F 35 Reprogramming Lab Modernization

It looks like you already have a lot of good responses so I am going to share something fun with you. I PCS'd from WPAFB in 2012 and I live on base here and I love it. It is much much better than housing at WP. OK, whether you have kids or not, you should stop at the drive through wild life park in Missouri. Make sure you get food for the animals and drive through your self. One last thing...Watch you fingers.

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Capt Jason Minnich
Thanks a lot to all the responses thus far. I appreciate the insight into the area. I'm also looking into the Kirtland page and have tried making some connections but all of this is just background so I can make the most informed decision on where to go and how to make the most out of starting the assignment. 
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