Posted on Aug 29, 2014
SSG Robert Burns
Is it time to just say the TSA is useless? Theft is just ONE of the many crimes they are arrested for on a regular basis. I personally had my Percocet stolen out of my checked bag once. They caught the guy on tape. Let's not even get into how much money is made from auctioning "confiscated" items.
Do we really need the TSA? Should National guard replace them? Seems like their title alone is the job description. ;-)
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 30
SSgt Investigative Analyst
Edited >1 y ago
The TSA is a joke, for a couple of reasons.

The most obvious reason is that the people they hire are unqualified and get minimal training. Evidence has already been noted that operational managers were pencil-whipping training records to keep their tactical-level guards (the ones patting you down and confiscating your water bottles) up to speed. So, not only are they unqualified, they STAY unqualified. They were, from the onset, the new mall cops.

Then, all of the guards are part-time employees. They might only get twenty hours a week. So, not only are they unqualified, they’re unmotivated. It’s just a job (an unskilled one, at that), and how many of us joined the military just looking for a paycheck? My guess (my sincere hope) is zero.

Finally, and this is the real insidious part of it, and why replacing them with National Guard personnel really wouldn’t do much. All of their operations are bottlenecked right at the security checkpoint. Either before or after that point, as far as TSA is concerned, it’s the Wild West. They have stovepiped their operations and do not coordinate with either the various airlines or the Federal Air Marshals. You can replace them with Terminator cyborgs, but if you don’t coordinate strategies with the other entities involved and provide security-in-depth, all you’re doing is putting on a show.

And that’s all it is. It’s a show of strength. They’re paper tigers. Once it becomes clear that TSA operations did nothing to stop the next terror attack, they’ll be considered redundant.
MAJ Brigade Logistics Officer (S4)
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
The lack of depth is part of the reason that the TSA is so ineffective. Replace them with the military, and I guarantee you the same methods will not be used. Sure, there will be checkpoints, but only in addition to roaming guards, etc, to ensure security throughout the facility. We've done it before, and we can do it again.
SFC James Barnes
SFC James Barnes
>1 y
interesting the that when the national guard was in airports there waswnt problems yet the mention of putting us back there and people act like we are wont know what to do. either way if your replacing TSA with NG the public will initially have concerns about it but will get use to seeing it and will feel more secure.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Edited >1 y ago
At least new technology can help us capture the thieves . . . and get our luggage back . . .
SGM Bill Frazer
NG are owned by the state unless federalized- s I understand it- they like active can only detain, not arrest. Also how much of the economy are you willing to cut down while they activiated?
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SSG (ret) William Martin
They know how to excite my underpants. That's about it. ***sarcasm*** NO SHARP INTENDED
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TSgt Tim (lj) Littlejohn
Edited 10 y ago
How about cadets from all the gov. agencies, FBI, ICE, IRS, service and police academies. Do this on a rotating basis. Since the whole plan was to stop terrorism, lets stop the damn PC bulls*&^, It's nor likely to 80 year grandparent, children (especially those in wheel chairs). How about middle eastern/Muslim decent between 18-35 years old, something like 97% of all the attacks in over the last 30 years over the world have been from this group!
Capt Retired
Capt (Join to see)
10 y
BUT, while unlikely that us old folk or toddlers will not be a serious threat. It is not unlikely that a serious threat may have used us to be a serious threat without our knowledge. e.g. planting a bomb on our carry on, in the stroller, etc.
TSgt Tim (lj) Littlejohn
TSgt Tim (lj) Littlejohn
10 y
Really, you let anybody close enough to do that? You get that close to my child or my luggage all hell is going to break loose!
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SFC Charles S.
TSA, "Terminally Stupid Assholes" should be replaced by ANYTHING else, Drunken Monkeys come to mind, but I'm really open to anything at this point. If they are going to do a JOB then at least do it right or don't do it at all... TSA was created haphazardly and began performing without a fully tested plan of action. They have grown by discovery. "Think of blind man walking with hands outstretched, feeling around in the dark" I don't have the answer but I know what is there isn't working to it's 100% capacity.
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SGT Mark Rhodes
To be short yes they should
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SFC Mark Merino
I'd make prior military service a minimum requirement at a minimum. That way, we get our recently discharged right into work and their work ethic is known, and they should be held to the highest standards. I've had pills stolen as well. Live and learn. Now these "guardians" are shipping weapons?? Cut sling!
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Capt Richard I P.
Edited 10 y ago
I'd say abolish the TSA. Its blanket searches comprise a federal violation of the 4th amendment as a matter of policy. Replace with private security guards hired by the airports/airlines and include a consent to search clause in any plane ticket purchase. The feds can establish safe standards of searching and handle the inspections and performance, but private security executes in accordance with the contract signed by airline passengers. Neatly sidesteps the constitutional issue, allows for maintaining 100% screening and brings the free market into enforcing behavior of screeners.

A related problem:
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SFC Stephen P.
"Do we really need the TSA?" No. The TSA was intended to address a deficiency which is more efficiently corrected by locking cockpit doors.

"Should National guard replace them?" No. The problem with the TSA is not the agency, but the mission. Put the Guard in the same circumstances and you will have the same results.
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