Over 400 TSA workers arrested for theft alone and not one terrorist caught. Should National Guard replace them?
Do we really need the TSA? Should National guard replace them? Seems like their title alone is the job description. ;-)
The most obvious reason is that the people they hire are unqualified and get minimal training. Evidence has already been noted that operational managers were pencil-whipping training records to keep their tactical-level guards (the ones patting you down and confiscating your water bottles) up to speed. So, not only are they unqualified, they STAY unqualified. They were, from the onset, the new mall cops.
Then, all of the guards are part-time employees. They might only get twenty hours a week. So, not only are they unqualified, they’re unmotivated. It’s just a job (an unskilled one, at that), and how many of us joined the military just looking for a paycheck? My guess (my sincere hope) is zero.
Finally, and this is the real insidious part of it, and why replacing them with National Guard personnel really wouldn’t do much. All of their operations are bottlenecked right at the security checkpoint. Either before or after that point, as far as TSA is concerned, it’s the Wild West. They have stovepiped their operations and do not coordinate with either the various airlines or the Federal Air Marshals. You can replace them with Terminator cyborgs, but if you don’t coordinate strategies with the other entities involved and provide security-in-depth, all you’re doing is putting on a show.
And that’s all it is. It’s a show of strength. They’re paper tigers. Once it becomes clear that TSA operations did nothing to stop the next terror attack, they’ll be considered redundant.


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"Should National guard replace them?" No. The problem with the TSA is not the agency, but the mission. Put the Guard in the same circumstances and you will have the same results.