Posted on Jun 2, 2015
Officials back away from deadline on homeless vets - Should they talk to Houston?
I also posted a story about the homeless in Houston..
The three Cabinet officials joined Interagency Council on Homelessness Executive Director Matthew Doherty in Houston for the start of a three-city tour to highlight partner efforts to get veterans off the streets — a goal outlined by White House officials five years ago.
Since then, the number of homeless veterans has been reduced by more than 25,000 individuals, but between 40,000 and 50,000 veterans are believed to still be struggling with homelessness.
The three Cabinet officials joined Interagency Council on Homelessness Executive Director Matthew Doherty in Houston for the start of a three-city tour to highlight partner efforts to get veterans off the streets — a goal outlined by White House officials five years ago.
Since then, the number of homeless veterans has been reduced by more than 25,000 individuals, but between 40,000 and 50,000 veterans are believed to still be struggling with homelessness.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 4
So the VA took on a deadline they knew wouldn't work. Are we at all surprised the VA failed anymore?
SSgt (Join to see)
This was NOT VA level as I was told by the VA that it went even above the National Homeless hotline. That is a fact.
Why are there homeless Vets? I know there are so many different reason. Although I do believe the government can do a lot better to address this problem. Why can't they use some of those hundreds of VA buildings to house homeless Veterans? These buildings are just sitting abandon costing tax payers millions a year.
They can do a lot more it just makes me angry to think that there are homeless Veterans.
They can do a lot more it just makes me angry to think that there are homeless Veterans.
Unfortunately with social media, our insight sometimes seems to fade quickly. It was the current President's own goal in his first term to abolish it. He then had, then VA Secretary Shinseki, espouse how VA was going to abolish it. Here we are late into his second term and he failed this goal.
Was the goal ever achievable? With an economy the way it is, federal agencies wasting billions, will we ever be able to achieve it?
Was the goal ever achievable? With an economy the way it is, federal agencies wasting billions, will we ever be able to achieve it?
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