Posted on Mar 8, 2015
SFC Brian Lehnhardt
It shames me to read that students at one California university actually tried to ban the display of the US Flag on campus, saying it represented imperialism, colonialization, and hate speech. Today, our colleges (in general) are breading grounds for anti-American opinion. They debate the merits of ISIS, call for the destruction of Israel, and embrace Communism and socialism to replace our grand Republic. Have they gone too far? If you are a student, or were one, what have you seen or heard? Are our colleges becoming our demise?
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Responses: 14
Cpl Jeff N.
The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. Abraham Lincoln

The leftists understand this better than most. While there are many colleges that are very patriotic many of the larger ones (and many ivy league schoiols) are leaning further and further left.

This is not just a problem with the schools it is a problem with parents who don't know and/or inculcate their childrens minds with our history, our contributions and our sacrifices to make the world a more free and safe place. Not all of our efforts have been successful or perfect but I would challenge anyone to point to a better example in modern history than us.

Most of the students are not worldly enough, educated enough or experienced enough to even know what they are supporting on the left. It just sounds cool to them to be anti-establishment.
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
10 y
Apply directly to the forehead.jpg
Cpl Jeff N. Well said, while I agree with the maxim at the beginning, Lincoln probably didn't actually say it.

Your message overall is still a good point, owning the education curriculum of the majority gives a substantial advantage to any group.

I also agree with your overall assessment of America, we may not be the best, but we are better than everyone else.
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SPC Infantryman
I think most college professors teach anti America and a lot of reads and agrees with the Communist Manifesto that is what's wrong with the younger generation today no respect for their country no honor it's a shame and I know that we can do better than that
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SFC Boots Attaway
The college campus has been a breeding ground for liberalism and anti American opinions since the 60s starting with the Viet Nam War. The professors have been indoctrinating our young with their views and promoting socialist ideas and beliefs for decades.
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