New Retention Control Points take effect Feb. 1, 2014
Army Directive 2013-28 has been released with an effective date of Feb. 1, 2014. The directive identifies new retention control points (RCP) for each enlisted rank. Retention control points are the maximum amount of years of active service, an enlisted Soldier can have before they must either get promoted or leave the Army.
The directive applies to Soldiers serving in the Regular Army and Soldiers of the U.S. Army Reserve and the Army National Guard of the United States who are serving under the Active Guard Reserve Title 10 programs. This policy does not apply to Soldiers serving in the USAR or ARNGUS who are mobilized, or assigned to the Individual Ready Reserve or Troop Program Unit.
Private-Private First Class: 5 years time in service
Corporal/Specalist/Specalist (P): 8 years time in service
Sergeant/Sergeant (P): 14 years time in service
Staff Sergeant: 20 years time in service
Staff Sergeant (P): 26 years time in service
Sergeant First Class: 26 years time in service
Sergeant First Class (P): 29 years time in service
First Sergeant/Master Sergeant: 29 years time in service
First Sergeant/Master Sergeant (P): 32 years time in service
Command Sergeant Major/Sergeant Major: 32 years time in service
For specific questions please see your Career Counselor.