Posted on Jun 3, 2015
SFC Michael Hasbun
Neck ribbons
The Order of St. Barbara, the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe, The Audie Murphy Club, the Congressional Medal of Honor. All are worn around the neck. But while the Medal of Honor is always worn correctly, why are the others so often worn incorrectly?

The regulation clearly states " Decorations with neck ribbons are worn with the neckband ribbon aroundthe neck, outside the shirt collar and inside the coat collar, with the medal hanging over the necktie.". But it's not uncommon to see them under jacket lapels, or even shirt lapels!

*Full disclosure* I recently saw another example of this while visiting Fort Lee. A SFC was wearing the Audie Murphy award under his jacket lapels. It look HORRIBLE. When I mentioned it to him (I always keep the 670-1's handy on my phone in case people get lippy) he honestly had no idea there was a regulation for it.

I find it's worse when it's the Audie Murphy medallion worn incorrectly... That medallion is supposed to signify you're among the best. But you can't be bothered to reference the correct way to wear your uniform? For Shame...
Posted in these groups: Us medals Awards6a00e54efdf1128833010535e27259970b 800wi Audie Murphy4276e14c Uniforms
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 7
LTC Stephen C.
SFC Michael Hasbun, I was a Tactical (training) Officer at OCS for three years and a detailed inspector general for four years. There was a time when I could quote AR670-1 from cover to cover (well, paragraphs anyway) and improper wear of the uniform has always driven me CRAZY!
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
>1 y
When it's young Soldiers I don't mind as much. They're learning after all.... It's when it's NCO's and Officers, especially senior ones that it drives me insane. We are supposed to be teaching our young'uns the right way, and we can't do that if we ourselves don't know it...
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SSG Roger Ayscue
I have the Order of Saint Maurice. I think that the issue is simply because it is not taught and is worn so rarely. I think that is the sole reason.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
>1 y
Yep, and it is not an excuse, but I had been retired 9 years at the time that was taken.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
>1 y
I'm just giving you poop. In truth I was expecting you to bust my balls for my profile picture. When the CSM placed the medallion around my neck, he put the left side under the collar so the ARCOM would be visible. I didn't know he did it until afterwards. Drove me nuts to see it in the picture...
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
>1 y
I think my point is still well taken, it is just not something that is practiced very often.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
>1 y
I do agree with you.
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MSG Cadet
Intresting conversation! I was just talking about this with my peers.

With our Saint Barbara Ball coming up in the next couple of weeks, the thought crossed my mind of the proper wear of the Saint Brabara Medallion in conjunction with the Sergeant Audie Murphy Award (Definitely don't want to walk in looking like a soup sandwich!).

Ever since I can remember, I have always seen the Saint Barbara Medallion worn underneath the shirt colllar and after digging into the different references, the infromation I accumulated is below:

FORSCOM Regulation 600-80-1 2 Apr 2015

7-5 Multiple neck ribbons
An individual may not wear more than two decorations with neck ribbons at
one time. The decoration with the highest precedence is worn above the
other. The Sergeant Audie Murphy medallion takes precedence over all other
decorations with neck ribbons other than decorations with neck ribbons
awarded by HQ, DA such as the Medal of Honor. An example can be found in DA
PAM 670-1, chapter 22-9.

DA PAM 670-1 1 Jul 2015:

22-9. Multiple neck ribbons, broad sashes, and stars
a. An individual may not wear more than two decorations with neck ribbons at
one time. The decoration with the
highest precedence is worn suspended above the other. The Medal of Honor
takes precedence over all other decorations
with neck ribbons (see figs 22-9 and 22-10). Decorations with neck ribbons
are worn with the neckband ribbon around
the neck, outside the shirt collar and inside the coat collar, with the
medal hanging over the necktie.

AR 670-1 10 Apr 2015

22-9. Multiple neck ribbons, broad sashes, and stars
a. An individual awarded more than one decoration that includes a broad
ribbon, sash, or star will wear only one
broad ribbon or sash, and no more than four stars at one time. The
Presidential Medal of Freedom broad ribbon with
badge and star has precedence over all other broad ribbons, sashes, or
stars. Additional guidance on wear of stars is in
DA Pam 670-1.
b. An individual may not wear more than two decorations with neck ribbons at
one time. The decoration with the
highest precedence is worn suspended above the other. The Medal of Honor
takes precedence over all other decorations
with neck ribbons.

*Based on that information, I got that we can wear both the SAMA Medallion
and St. Barbara Medal with the SAMA going on top because it takes precedence
over all other decorations minus those awarded by HQ, DA.

Also, in the FORSCOM regulation for the SAMA, it states that the ribbon would be worn inside the collar versus all others outlined in AR 670-1. Below is the pitcure taken from that publication that was recently released on 2 April 2015.
SFC Cannon Crew Member
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Did you ever find anything in writing about the wear of both SAMA and St. Barbs? Asked my DIVARTY OPS SGM and he said the St. Barbs would go over the SAMA because it is the Saint Barbs Ball(The actual function). Always wondered that especially with the new way of wearing the SAMA. If you were like me at one point, I thought that the SAMA had the higher precedence so wearing the SAMA under the shirt collar and then wearing the St Barbs over the shirt color but then having to tuck it through the SAMA ribbon and under the SAMA medallion. If that made any sense to you.
MSG Cadet
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I see what you mean. In my opinion, your Ops SGM's guidance was based on opinion versus what is outlined in the actual regulations but I completely understand his logic.
SFC (Join to see) -
SFC Cannon Crew Member
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
MSG (Join to see) -

I completely agree about his personal preference. I really wish they would take these things into consideration when they come out with these changes. My St Barbs ball is in a month so I am really trying to figure this thing out. I am going to have a sit down with my DIVARTY OPS SGM and have a talk about this so that we can ensure we are putting out the right information to all of our SAMC members on the right way to wear both medallions. We are supposed to Be. Know. Do. the standard and it really urks me when SAMC members where their medallion any type of way.
MSG Cadet
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - I am anxious to hear what comes about the sit down with your SGM. Please keep me informed!
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