Posted on Sep 14, 2017
My wife is active duty Air Force and was given orders to Japan; I am in the Army reserves. Can I move with her?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7

Suspended Profile
Yes. Talk to your career counselor, she'll get you in contact with a unit over there, and you can continue to drill.

SPC (Join to see)
Thank you very much SGT ! We just found out and she will be happy to hear good news!
There are numerous IMA positions in Japan. You could look at getting one of those.
SMSgt Thor Merich
To further answer your question, you are sort of like her dependent. So I don't know why you couldn't go. Japan is not a hardship tour like other places.
As long as she has "Accompanied" orders, yes you can. Now, being that you are Reserves, your options will be that you can either find a Reserve unit in that region with your MOS, enter the IRR for a spell, travel back and forth to your current unit, or you can RST with a unit that is willing to work with you on this. Step 1 for you is to get with your Career Counselor/Retention NCO and see if they can find a Reserve unit in Japan with your MOS.
SGT Jim Arnold
SSG Livingston, my question is Why does the reserve unit need to have specific MOS assignments? me being only active duty I dont really understand that reasoning. When I came back from Korea they supposedly had 400-500 26v e-4's roaming Ft. Gordon, They had us working in the gym, lawn care field units even had 1 as the post commanders driver. They assigned me as a in processing clerk for basic trainees and assignments to AIT units. So, Why does there need to be a specific MOS assignment for a reserve unit ?
MSG (Join to see)
SGT Jim Arnold - Reserve units work a tad different than Active Duty. Reserves are more restrictive when it comes to slotting Soldiers within the MTOE. Can a Soldier be put into a slot not of their MOS? Sure.....but it takes some serious paperwork, and then the unit itself will get hit on Metrics for having Soldiers Non DMOSQ.
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