Posted on Dec 31, 2013
SSG Training Nco
I just got a new Soldier placed under me that was already slated to go to the next promotion (e-5) board. I do not think this Soldier is ready based on my observation prior to being placed directly under me and needs more grooming. I'm not sure how to proceed because I haven't even initially counseled this Soldier yet. I know that normally you would just counsel, but considering that this Soldier just became mine and was previously told they can go I'm not sure how to proceed.
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Responses: 14
CSM Infantry Senior Sergeant
I would discuss this with your 1SG and see if the 1SG will hold a mock board, if your gut is right and the soldier isn't ready they will show that to the mock board. 
SSG Training Nco
SSG (Join to see)
11 y



The Soldier "officially" became mine recently, but we all work in the same office and I have been around this Soldier for 2 months. This same Soldier was promotable at one point and got demoted to E-3 before I was in this area. The fact that he is getting pushed back thru so quickly (all of this has happened in a 6 month period) amazes me and I believe it goes back to what the SFC referenced with the "hook-up" system.

SFC Company First Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
SSG Wesley,

For your current question: My advice is look into the regulation, sleep on it, and when you make these decisions be fair and Consistent. 

The big picture: The army promotion system will get fixed when we start identifying people who don't need to be in the army and getting them separated.  If they can be rehabilitated good, if not, separate them.  I think it would avoid a lot of the issues we have today. With the focus of the army going towards that, we as NCOs will have 100% backing form the COC to get this done.  

If you haven't, a good read is General Tommy Franks "American Soldier" discusses a lot of the same situation but during the post Vietnam era version.
SFC Company First Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
@ SPC P K., 

Not sure if you're needing some sort of support or whether you're questioning the statement I made to be factual.  

Make no mistake, the army is designed to fills its ranks with qualified Soldiers who have demonstrated potential for increased responsibility; i.e. potential for promotion.  

NCOERs have two very important blocks that are filled by the Senior rater addressing "overall performance" and "overall potential" and those ratings are key factors in selection for promotion to the senior ranks.  At that level your Senior rater has to explain the rating to the board on HOW MUCH potential the Soldiers has (promote now, promote ahead of peers, promote with peers, promote if room, keep at current rank, do not promote).

For Junior enlisted Soldiers, a recommendation from your leadership to send you to a promotion board shows the board they identified potential in you for the next grade (or else you would be in the shoes of SSG Wesley's Soldier at the current moment.

Here is directly from the HRC enlisted promotions website's mission statement: "Provide the Army with a system of Soldier advancement that ensures continuous fill of valid vacancies at the next higher grade. Ensure a fair and equitable system that centers efforts on a consistent merit based program that allows those with the most potential for increased responsibility to advance."

I am going to turn this question back to you and tell me where it doesn't.  

SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - "There is a maturity factor I am concerned about and ability to lead Soldiers once this individual does in fact get promoted." You need to articulate this to your PSG and 1SG.
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CW2 Humint Technician
Depending on the situation, I'd send the person. BUT it would only be if the person that told him or her they could go to the board was someone I trusted. For example, if I trust my peer PSG and he says yes, I take their word for it if I trust them as a leader. Otherwise I say wait.
MSG Operation And Capabilities Development Nco
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
You echoed exactly what I was thinking. Somebody who supervised this troop felt he was ready. For you to endorse takes a little trust- trust in your peers or trust in the NCO Corps. If still around, talk with the previous supervisor, PSG, 1SG or anyone that could explain why they felt this kid was ready.
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Capt Jeff S.
Edited >1 y ago
IF you have NOT counseled this soldier on what you perceive to be their deficiencies, THEN you have no business not recommending the soldier to the board.  Let the board decide whether or not he or she is promotable material based on their history of observed performance.  Your evaluation of the soldier SHOULD be objective AND it should be based on what YOU observed, not what you heard from others about them.  

IF, on the other hand, the soldier lacks the technical proficiency, maturity, reliability and/or judgment to advance AND you have documented counselings AND you have communicated to this soldier what his deficiencies are AND you have seen little to no improvement in the soldier's performance, THEN you have grounds for withholding your recommendation.
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