Posted on Oct 13, 2015
Most American beers will now be brewed by one company, What are your thoughts?
Responses: 11
1stSgt (Join to see)
I have no problem with all the crap beer big labels consolidating.
I HATE that they are managing to bully (usually with money; sometimes distribution) the fantastic craft beers.
And I HATE the fake craft beer labels they put on some of their swill.
I have no problem with all the crap beer big labels consolidating.
I HATE that they are managing to bully (usually with money; sometimes distribution) the fantastic craft beers.
And I HATE the fake craft beer labels they put on some of their swill.
(0) [login to see] 5/fascinating-graphics-show-who-owns-all-the-major
Fascinating graphics show who owns all the major brands in the world
All the biggest product brands in the world are owned by a handful of corporation. Food, cleaning products, banks, airlines, cars, media companies… everything is in the hands of these megacorporations. These graphics show how everything is connected.Consumer goodsIn the supermarket—as you can see in the graphic at the top—Mondelez, Kraft, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pepsico, P&G, Johnson&Johnson, Mars, Danone, General Mills, Kellogg’s, and...
CPT (Join to see)
Since most American beer sucks, I'm ok with it CSM. If anyone tries to mess up the tried and true Guinness formula, or disrupt the flow of Newcastle Brown Ale, that will be a problem.
Since I only drink about a six pack a year I don't really care who owns the brewery. When I did drink a lot of beer I preferred local brewed drafts.
I have been a home brewer for 15+ years and don't drink the swill that is A-B or Miller/Coors. I prefer a beer that actually has a taste. AB Inbev is so big they can control the market, but not what people want to drink. I have always said: AB Inbev doesn't know how to brew a great tasting beer, so they buy a brewery (Microbreweries) who can.
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