Posted on Jul 7, 2015
MSgt Chris Adams
Came across this article on Facebook today. It is a another call for chaplains to be tossed from the military if they do not conform and start preaching in support of Gay Marriage and Homosexuality.

I REALLY find this topic getting old, but it needs to be talked about. We dedicated our lives to defending life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness which include the freedom of speech, religion, and expression.

Do I agree with freedom of speech, religion, and expression? Yes, spent 22 years defending it, even expressions such as flag burning which I personally detest.

Do I agree with the lifestyle? No, but again I defended the peoples ability to live and express themselves as they see fit under our constitution.

So why do my beliefs have to be put on hold and on the back burner because a minority of the population won a court decision? It's not right, but we the lawful seem to tolerate it. If we as a country are not careful, I fear our rights are going to be slowly eroded away by judicial proceedings. Sure I sound a little conspiratorial, but doesn't this trend spook you too? Even a little? Just the thoughts of one guy.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 3
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
MSgt Chris Adams I think this is another one of the 2nd and 3rd order affects of decisions that are government makes and they don't think it through. We don't force soldiers, airman, marines, and sailors to attend religious services they do or don't want to attend or they don't believe in. So, then how can we force the chaplains to provide religious services to soldiers that are gay or lesbian if they don't believe in that or it’s against their religious beliefs? Seriously, force them out. I think that is stupid and unreasonable requests by activists. The government and the military are going to have to come up with solutions better than forcing out qualified Chaplains in the various branches. Sorry, but that is my opinion. Some of these activists need to get a life and do their research before they spout off. SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas and CH (MAJ) William Beaver am I looking at this wrong?
SFC Everett Oliver
SFC Everett Oliver
>1 y
I'm telling you the SUpreme Court has gone mad...There needs to be a revision somehow about how they conduct their business and how they are not suppose to legislate.
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GySgt Ronald Bacote
Everyone counts.
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MAJ Bryan Zeski
There are activist for every stupid thing out there - from firing Chaplains for not performing gay marriages to barring Soldiers who don't believe in a god from serving at all. Until it actually gets to a place where something might happen - it's all just hot air and not worth the time and trouble worrying about it.
MSgt Chris Adams
MSgt Chris Adams
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski as much as I would love to agree with you, I have a hard time shaking "the feeling". America seems to be allowing rights to be regulated and litigated away in the name of "equality". I mean I follow the gun regulations pretty well and this article was the first I'd heard of it. It went into effect 1 Jul, just 3 days before Independence Day. So no more taking my kids out until they are 21? Two of them are 18 and high school graduates going to college. Message? Possibly.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
MSgt Chris Adams - You only have to follow the new federal hunting regulations if you are unable or unwilling to check the sources for validity. ;)

(I mean this in a light-hearted humorous way, but still with the same point; but it's late and I'm tired, so if it comes across as angry, bitter, or overly caustic, you have my pre-offense apologies.)
MSgt Chris Adams
MSgt Chris Adams
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski I don't get offended, especially if I miss something.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
MSgt Chris Adams - I sometimes get a little snarky when it gets late... =)
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