Posted on Feb 20, 2018
#metoo, school shootings, gun control, mental illness,politics. We “raise awareness” yet don’t take action. Which would you address first?
sexual harassment in the military, entertainers gained some attention with #metoo movement and health care workers are experiencing sexual harassment and assault while on the job. Attention to this volatile topic faded with headlines the school shootings, gun control, mental illness and political follies, the Wall, the FBI, well the list is lengthy.
Edited 7 y ago
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 11
Mental Health would be my top priority. Everything starts with being of sound mind. Being of sound mind would solve a lot of issues in my opinion.
I can't guarantee a reduction in crime across the board, but it seems to me every time I read the headlines, my first thoughts are "How could someone mentally come up with this and think to commit this crime"
There is most definitely a sickness in our society and I won't lay the blame exclusively at one source, but we need to get our heads straight. We need to end the stigma against mental health screenings. We need to encourage people to get help when they need it.
I can't guarantee a reduction in crime across the board, but it seems to me every time I read the headlines, my first thoughts are "How could someone mentally come up with this and think to commit this crime"
There is most definitely a sickness in our society and I won't lay the blame exclusively at one source, but we need to get our heads straight. We need to end the stigma against mental health screenings. We need to encourage people to get help when they need it.
Maj Kim Patterson
Cpl Justin Goolsby I agree. We want our veterans to ask for help instead of committing suicide. As I watch the coverage, I foresee mental illness being buried under the carpet yet again.
Cpl Justin Goolsby
Maj Kim Patterson - Agreed. There's such a stigma against mental health and I think part of the reason is how little we actually understand about the human brain. It wasn't that many generations ago where mental health issues were solved with electro-shock therapy or a lobotomy. Then we moved on to prescriptions and tried to cure everything with a pill. Now we've got safe spaces and talks about feelings.
We're no closer now than we were back then. You know the stigma still remains when we still refer to therapists as "Quack Doctors".
We're no closer now than we were back then. You know the stigma still remains when we still refer to therapists as "Quack Doctors".
That's easy -- the Wall. Everything else will continue to be a discussion, and there will always be give-and-take in all of them except the Wall. The Wall being built is a discrete, yes-or-no thing. It's not there now, but once it's built, it will be there, and that will help relieve pressure in all the other areas.
SSgt Christopher Brose
Maj Kim Patterson - It served its purpose admirably well until it was torn down. The Wall in China has also, as has the Wall in Israel. Please note, there's an enormous moral difference between a wall that's intended to keep people in vs. a wall that's intended to keep people out.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SFC Michael Hasbun - How many white Christian males do you think have committed mass shootings? Your use of the term "Christian" makes me think that not only are you not one, you wouldn't be able to recognize one.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SSgt Christopher Brose - Well, that's the demographic responsible for the preponderance of domestic terrorism. It just is what it is. It's kinda hard to ignore the pattern.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SFC Michael Hasbun - According to who? And what is their definition of "Christian"?
Maj Kim Patterson
PO1 Mary Vermont my choice as well. This does not mean we don’t acknowledge the validity of the other issues but we must start somewhere.
Maj Kim Patterson
Maj Marty Hogan I agree we must address mental illness. Any ideas where to start other than a long Facebook post that is over run with thoughts and prayers and results in no action?
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Kim Patterson - seems to be our call to action anymore. Honestly it needs to start in schools. I am not saying kids need their asses beat and under a mental microscope. But we have ideas of who the good kids, loners, bad kids, etc are in school. We are afraid of labeling them- great. We are delaying the inevitable and possibly the ability to get them help before it manifests into something more sinister later on. We could solve more stemming the flow of drugs that would help some as well. The issue of what to do will always stall at you are infringing on my rights.
I would have to say mental illness is the top priority as it affects the most Americans. As for the others, I would say gun control is second on the list followed by school safety. I think or at least I hope we have turned a corner on sexual harassment especially since women do feel much more empowered to take on predators and in the military we are doing a much better job. By no means perfect but we go after predatos pretty zealously these days. I could care less about the wall to be honest. It won’t really stop illegal immigrants or drugs as the vast vast majority of both come through the ports of entry. plus let be honest you can go over or under just about any wall you want.
Maj Kim Patterson
CDR (Join to see) mental illness is at the top of my list. And I also agree regarding said wall. As a young 2LT, I worked with customs/ Homeland Security stopping inbound air traffic. And the tunnels that are in place already would still remain an option. Over or under or around,
What law can anyone suggest that will be obeyed by someone who is willing to commit 17 murder one's?
Maj Kim Patterson
Capt (Join to see) exactly. My guess is there are thousands and thousands of laws in the books no one remembers or acknowledges. Another law wouldn’t have stopped this shooting or most any others,
Capt (Join to see)
Maj Kim Patterson - One thing I fear is that if we outlaw guns someone intent on causes death will wind up usin a bomb of some sort and kill many more.
Sadly I don't think it matters. Even if a great solution to the issue was brought up, there is too much money from the NRA flowing into peoples pockets. I guess we will just have to settle with "deepest regrets for your loss" from our leadership

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Mental Health and Education. You take care of those two problems, and all other problems go away.
For me the number one would be to regain a respect for each other. We have reached the point where we no longer respect anyone.
I'm going with mental health. When they started doing away with mental hospitals the population of Hobos skyrocketed. Hobos generally fall into two categories, mentally ill, substance abuse or a combination of both.
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