Posted on Nov 6, 2022
SGT Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
I am looking to go in after the new year comes as I wait for my conditional release to be finished, will I have to go MP AIT or would I go straight to selection since I'm in the Reserves? Also would like information on the selection and assessment course since I read and heard it can change every years. Any and all information is welcome. Thank You.
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SGT Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
I did 4 years as a 12B then went to the Reserves now I'm looking to go back to Active duty as 37F, will I have to go through the same process as an initial entry soldier? meaning I would have to go to MP AIT then Selection? and if I fail selection would I go back to the Reserves stay Active and go back to being a 12B or go back as a 31B or would I end up in needs of the Army? Thank you in advance.

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