I have been assigned as the new Land and Ammo rep for my unit. Does anyone have a Land and Ammo SOP.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Your best bet would be to try to reach to other units in your area. We use a BDE Ammo SOP. A lot of is tried to how your base or post operates. I have been to many different bases and all of them do things a bit different.
As others have suggested -- go to your BDE S3 and peer orgs. Also, the base range control office can provide guidance on how they operate. Be sure to document your findings into an SOP to pass on to your replacement
Go to this channel on TEAMS, they have different info on those types of SOPs https://dod.teams.microsoft.us/_#/conversations/General?threadId=19:dod: [login to see] &ctx=channel
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