Posted on Sep 1, 2014
PO1 Master-at-Arms
He was part of SEAL Team 6 (aka: Development Group, or DEVGRU, equivalent to Army Delta Force, or SFOD-D), the elite of the elite. Until he 'came out' and went transgender.

He may have accomplished missions while on teams and his views and preferences seemed irrelevant as long as missions were completed, but is it fair to the family that he hurt and practically 'left behind'? How did he get so caught up in 'American Dream' and wouldn't he 'come out' earlier?

PS: I'm NOT here to bash his decision to cross-gender. I'm here to express my disappointment to the family he let down after so many years. What's your take on this?

Please be objective and respectful. And if you decide to down-vote, your explanation will be appreciated.

The link below points to series that will commence on CNN shortly documenting her (formerly HIS) life:
Posted in these groups: Rings Marriage9ed82c1 TransgenderC92a59d8 Family
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 28
PO3 John Jeter
I don't see where a consensus from anyone outside the family is called for. With all due respect it's none of our business. You say you're not bashing his gender change but you call it a "disappointment" to his family, that they were "let down" by his actions. As a man, he served with honor and integrity. He stood by his unit and his country. I would say he's earned the right to take his own path. I believe it will take every bit as much courage and fortitude to follow that path as his previous choices did. I would say let her go in peace with our gratitude for past services.
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Edited >1 y ago
None of us know the psychological drama that folks like this go through so I don't think anyone can or should judge what the "right" time for people like this is to make their decision to come out is. Its got to be an awful dilemma that people with this issue go through so what we see as right or wrong with their decisions and who they may or may not have hurt is irrelevant, IMHO.
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
>1 y
I always approach these situations thinking, "what if this were my child?" My wife and I will support our children no matter what may come. We are witnessing a situation with some close friends who have children our children's age and based on our observations one will more than likely be faced with this decision. They never address the issue with us but you can see what is going on. I pray they will be given the wisdom to deal with it if and when the time comes.
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SFC Mark Merino
I'm just shocked, personally. I knew a SS recipient at the VFW in Tacoma, WA who went there in a full length cocktail dress and sat right next to his wife. I will say my standard response whenever I feel like I could be ambushed by others......"I'll let God be the judge of other people's actions" and concentrate on my own life.
SSG Retired
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I never clamed to be an English major. only expressing my opinion and that is also the biblical outlook of homosexual activity
LTC Ops Team Chief
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
As you put it, "the biblical outlook of homosexual activity" is debated: Ever hear of David and Jonathan? Why discuss your nephew in a public forum where he can't defend himself? Do his parents (your sibling and in-law) condone you making comments about their son in public fora? If they are as uncomfortable about his sexuality as you are, do you really think they would want you posting your comments?
PO1 John Smith
PO1 John Smith
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) some guy in the 1930's wanted to lock up all of the homosexuals too.
SSG(P) Matthew Bisbee
SSG(P) Matthew Bisbee
10 y
I do believe that Jesus said, Judge not, lest ye be judged and let those without sin throw the first stone. I do not agree with her decision to change genders, but I absolutlely respect and honor all of the things she has accomplished during her military career. That should not be deminished one bit. I would not be ashamded to have served in a unit with her.
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