Posted on Aug 17, 2014
MAJ Derrick J.
I am stunned by the lack of logic and rationality behind this OpEd of Kareem's.

He calls the real issue behind the Fergusson Riots etc more about Class Warfare and the poor "being held back."

The poor are held back by whom? Can he (or anyone) name names and identify who is holding the poor back?

What? Color is equal to being poor, and being poor is synonymous with criminality, and "the status quo wants it this way?" Who / what is the "status quo" and how do we know who / what they are?

Kareem then points out that there are now 50 million poor in America. No mention is made about the failure of the left's War on Poverty and the TRILLIONS of wasted dollars on that fruitless endeavor.

He then states that this 50 million would be a powerful voting block if they ever organized.

The truth is, the poor hold themselves back - they choose to remain stuck in their present circumstances and fear stepping out to take the risks necessary to "get theirs" in the market place.

He (and others like him) are not asking why politics has to be pursued in order to "get what's owed," when the truth of the matter is, if you want "yours," go earn it. Create a widget, make a thingy-ma-bob, solve a problem and build a business, then you will get your piece of the pie.

Besides, who says anyone is owed anything? Who made that rule up?

They also don't see the danger in using politics to make economic gains, because invariably politics takes from one group to give to another, rather than making those that want more actually create something and do something that will potentially net them the benefits they dream of.

Kareem then says that the "wealthiest One Percent" keep the poor fractured. Which one of them is doing this, how are they doing it and what is the evidence this small number of Americans are doing this?

The best Kareem can point to is a few select individuals who own media outlets - on that point he has some ground to stand on, but still not much.

It is up to the populace to educate themselves, THINK and reach rational decisions about votes and conclusions on policy and national interest issues.

Kareem continues on, lamenting that the 1% are crushing the middle class and destroying it.

That is a bald-faced lie. Leftist ideas and policies are killing the middle class. Under the current presidential regime, the poor have grown and the middle class has shrunk more so than at any other time in US history.

Kareem is right on one thing - corruption is a problem, leftist corporatism is rampant and just as bad as any other crony corporatism / capitalism.

He's just not willing to name the current regime or those who back it as the real culprits behind the dysfunction and decline of America.
Posted in these groups: Economy logo EconomyRacism logo Racism
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 2
Cpl Michael Strickler
Stop watching fox news. it is destroying your mind.
I am sure that you are too far gone to actually look up all the 'negative' things the 'rightist' (as you put it) side has done.
Let me just share one. Did you know that they senate voted against a $21 billion dollar bill that was meant for veteran benefits? part of that bill was meant to ensure that post 9/11 users would get in-state tuition regardless of state education.
I'm not going to say more. I just hope that you think about the fact that there is more wrong here than just the lefties. damn left handers...
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SFC Mark Merino
Bodies are about to start dropping with this thread...........let's watch :)
MAJ Derrick J.
MAJ Derrick J.
>1 y
Truth is truth... hard questions are always hard.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
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