Posted on Feb 16, 2015
MAJ Strategic Plans And Training Officer
How do you feel about religion.

Why are people sensitive about religion.

God bless everyone.
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 58
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Religion is a personal belief system and IMHO, it shouldn't be used as a personal judgment system. We're never all going to believe the same way. There are radical Christian groups just as there are radical Islamic groups who do violent things in the name of their religion.

Then again, a lot of folks are out there trying to label themselves along racial, ethnic and gender association lines and judging others who don't agree with them.
SGT Anthony Rossi
SGT Anthony Rossi
>1 y
MAJ Petrarca, what should govern ones personal judgment?
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
>1 y
I would say SGT Anthony Rossi our values and ethics. People are good or bad because of what they do, not the religion they practice. Yes, people's views of right and wrong may be based partly on their beliefs. To go out and publicly say I'm a Muslim and all Christians are evil and wrong or vice versa is based on ideology.
SGT Anthony Rossi
SGT Anthony Rossi
>1 y
I would say that my firm adherance to my religion has guided my values and ethics. For example, I'm a much more merciful person than I used to be as a result of scripture like this:

Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? -Matthew 18:21
Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. -Matthew 18:22
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SGT Team Leader
Who are they agreeing with?
MAJ Strategic Plans And Training Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
Those who think religion shouldn't be discussed.
SGT Team Leader
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I'm thinking ISIS is completely comfortable with their version of religion being "discussed", Sir, and quite adamantly.
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SGT Cid Intern Program
Religion is a Prime Evil always was always will be!!!

No before everybody wants to stone me to death, of course only those of you who are without sin, let me add something.

It is perfectly fine if you believe in something, what or who ever that might be and to practice your beliefe. No issue with that.
When you start organizing it and going around telling everybody about your view (most of them are pretty absurd and twisted) and try to force people into believing the same stuff you are worng. As wrong as it gets.

Having faith or believing in something is fine whe you organize it or put it in categories it is not fine anymore because at that point it's nothing more than organize crime.
Personally I think religion should be banned from public life since it has no place there. Practice whatever you want but don't force it on me.

Nothing has caused more suffering and death than religion.
SGT Team Leader
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10 y
I'm an atheist. I believe in no gods. I do not believe in the supernatural. Don't believe in miracles. Believe that the bible is a ridiculous work of fiction meant to control the uneducated, timid masses. It worked very well.
However, I do believe that PERSONAL religion serves a purpose. People take from it, certain comforts: transcendence of death, for example. Or a purpose for "being".

Religion, in itself, isn't harmful.

It's the contamination of religious philosophy that we should worry about...extremism and coercion.
SGT Cid Intern Program
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
That's what I ment when I differentiated between personal belief/ faith and mass religion.
SSgt Security Police Supervisor
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>1 y
Religion generally isn't necessarily dangerous, take Jainism, or Budhism for example, but evangelical mono-theism is extremely dangerous.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
A truly religious person of any faith does not kill indiscriminately or because of WHO someone is. Yes, all religions mandate certain types of war. But Imperialism is not an action or belief system sanctioned by God.

People who murder in "the Name of God" are committing what we call in Hebrew a "Chillul Hashem" (literally an embarrassment or insult of God). They are sinning and desecrating God's name, not sanctifying it, as they so perversely believe...

What ISIS is doing is NOT sanctioned by God, and I doubt it's sanctioned by the Qur'an. Granted, the Qur'anic rules about the Dhimmi are very troubling, but murdering Christians, just BECAUSE they are Christians is way outside the boundaries.

Up until 1948, Christians and Jews lived relatively well in Islamic lands (in modern times of course). In 1948, the vast majority of Jews were kicked out of Islamic lands with nothing but the shirts on their backs, due to the creation of the State of Israel. [Note that this historic fact is ALWAYS left out when crying about the plight of the "poor Palestinians" who are so oppressed by Israel...]

With the Islamic Revolution in 1979, things went from bad to worse for the remaining Jews in Islamic lands.

The fate of Christians in Islamic lands in modern times has been mixed. Lately however, Copts, Orthodox Christians, Catholics and other various denominations have been targeted by Islamic radicals all throughout the Islamic world. ISIS is the worst, but lets not forget about other Christians who have been targeted...
SSgt Security Police Supervisor
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
If you were able to suspend your personal biases long enough to objectively evaluate the information, I would bet you'd discover there are truly religious people who do want to kill Americans for religiously motivated reasons.

When someone says they want to kill me, and they want to do it for religious reasons, I have no reason to not believe them.

>>>What ISIS is doing is NOT sanctioned by God

--->Of course not, but that's only because there is no god. Regardless of whether or not the god you claim to follow has sanctioned muslim violence or not, that has nothing to do with whether or not Muslims are killing people, and why they believe they are doing it.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
@ SSgt Jay S. I don't agree with your assessment. There are plenty of people who BELIEVE they are truly religious, but when you get right down to it, they are following ritual law without following law concerning relations between humans. A prime example is a recent scandal involving an Orthodox rabbi's conduct with his students in a sauna..

Religious fanaticism and wanting to kill in the name of God are not the true beliefs of ANY religion, including ISLAM. Despite the Suras in the Koran calling for death of non-believers, true scholars of Islam will remind you that Islam means peace, and that is what they truly seek.

I honor your choice to not believe in God; that is your right as a US citizen, and I would never try to change that.

But, if you would suspend YOUR personal biases for a minute, you might find that truly religious people work for peace, not for the destruction of other people.

There is a Midrash (a rabbinic exposition on Torah - the Five Books of Moses and certain other parts of the Hebrew Bible) that says that when the sea came crashing down on the Egyptian army during the Exodus, the Heavenly Angels cheered. The Midrash then quotes God as asking "why are you cheering - those are my children too..."

That is the pure religious belief- that we are God's children. Judaism teaches that to take a life (murder) is to destroy the world; to save a life is to save the world...
SGT Ben Keen
Okay, so I sat here looking at this post for the last few days and I am now finally voicing my thoughts.

First off, the title of this post gives the impression that if you doesn't openly state your beliefs in a public forum than you are some how on the same level as these crazy idiots running around the Middle East cutting off heads and destroying everything we did in that region. This leads me to my first question, why do some people feel the need to try and guilt people into sharing their faith? Two things that are really touchy for people to talk about are faith and politics because for a lot of us, these two factor so heavily into our personal character. For me, I can tell you this. My father is a minister. Has been for 37 years and he does a great job. However, being raised in the church and in a world where my every move was picked apart by people who on Sunday talked about forgiveness but on Monday were at the local breakfast spot judging others. My dad even did a sermon on this very thing after one Sunday someone pretty much bullied me because I couldn't quote a certain verse from the Bible. Yet when I asked them to recall John 3:16 they couldn't.

I now how a love/hate relationship with religion and with church itself. I support my dad and always will but I personally don't see the need to go to a building and stand around with others. I can worship my God anywhere I am. If that be on my bike riding down some of the great paths here in Pittsburgh or out with my camera helping someone by snapping photos of special events in their lives to sitting at the Pens game praying that the Defense actually shows up.

With all that being said, as someone that has been on this site and active on this site since it went public, I don't feel religion has a place here in the forums. This is supposed to be a place where we can share ideas and thoughts and help each other grow professionally and to be a good support structure for each other. These type of topics, along with overly political posts, only serve to drive a wedge further between us.

I'm not saying you can't openly talk about your faith. If that is what you feel you are being lead to do, then do it. However, please note that not everyone is there with you. Don't try to force your views on anyone and especially don't try to say someone that doesn't agree with you is in the same category as these crazy, deranged idiots known as the ISIS.
SGT Anthony Rossi
SGT Anthony Rossi
>1 y
SGT Keen, the church needs people like you in it. I'm sure you are aware,of the scripture that admonishes us to gather together as Christian in the assembly. I'm a Pastor of a Christian church and my Son is one of my greatest helps in my church and life! The church needs you!
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SSG Team Leader
I am not religious, I could care less for religion. On that same note, I respect religion as long as the people practicing it do not use it as a justification to throw their ideals down people's throats.
SPC Safety Technician
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. . .or cut their heads off.
SSgt Security Police Supervisor
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Which just happens to be what evangelicals are all about.
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SCPO Dlcpo/Idc
People could be sensitive toward religion because of the atrocities community against humanity in the name of religion or a god / diety (lower case used intentionally). History is repeat with examples in every denomination.

Church attendance is down. Free thinking is up.
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SFC Arcc (Army Reserve Career Counselor)
I hate religion! I am a Christian who lives and strives daily to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Man (kind) made religion, that's why there is so much confusion, turmoil and such a big mess of it.
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SSG(P) Instructor
The Catholic Church turned religion into a for - profit business...look at their wealth...and try to disagree.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
10 y
Indulgence - is that when you offer a payment for forgiveness of sin? Preposterous thinking that so many people can be gullible in regards to paying for forgiveness or that man has the power to forgive.

I had a patient tell me she is a reformed Catholic...I asked her what that was, she says she is learning to live with her guilt.....
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SPC Infantryman
this evil cult religion they want to die to see Allah I think we should help them to meet their goal and send them on their way it's real easy to do we just gotta have a president's got the guts to do it
MAJ Strategic Plans And Training Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
I wish we could do more to get to them before they got brainwashed. If people would try to raise themselves, family, friends snd community up instead of visiting slaughter and destruction upon others. I believe war is required but who I really want to hurt are those exploit others to have them visit harm upon the rest of thr world.
SFC Cannon Crew Member
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
Mr Cook, with all due respect you don't sound any different than ISIS. It sounds like if you could get away being a terrorist yourself, you would do it.

What do you know about Islam?
Have you ever objectively read their holy book Quran?
Do you know the differences and similarities between your religion(if you have one) and Islam?
Do you know what the word Allah means?

Please read and educate yourself.
SPC Infantryman
SPC (Join to see)
10 y
I can tell you that radical Islam is evil they will kill you and others if you don't bow down to their religion my friend that is wrong cutting peoples heads off because they don't believe the way they do is wrong to deal with people like that you must destroy them you're wrong comparing me to a terrorist there's a difference between me and a terrorist I don't cut off people's heads and I don't want to destroy their religion just in case that you forgot they came here and attacked us first we have every right in the world to defend our self I have not heard any Islamic person to denounce what Isis is doing if their leaders would stand up and say it we can back them up on it but they don't that my friend is a shame
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