Ive been reading all kinds of articles and heard many stories starting from sequestration to current budget cuts. Ive heard Marines having to pay for printer paper and ink, toilet paper, and trash bags for their units during sequestration and now major unpreparedness due to lack of funds for maintenance of equipment or training opportunities, not even being able to go to the range. What's happening to your unit? Any stories that show the effects of the budget cuts?
Only half of non-deployed Marine units were at an acceptable level of readiness last September due to the long-term budget cuts known as sequestration, the Pentagon announced this week.
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 5
At the begging of this year the Navy finished up an aggressive "Force
Shaping" (really force reduction) and over shot the final end strength
number by 7000 Sailors. I know from Navy Personnel Command briefings that the
Army is seriously looking into this event also and I see Robert's comment here about the Coast Guard starting their journey down this road. I just hope that everyone else learns from our misstep and follows a tighter plan to "reshape" the other branches. The biggest hit I have personally seen is with training. We are having a hell of a time getting the ammunition required to keep our armed watch standers qualified according to our current Force Protection Instructions. But I still find myself in the middle of a meeting every quarter with the topic of funding that has mysteriously just become available that we must spend right away. It would be nice to get a grip on this.
Shaping" (really force reduction) and over shot the final end strength
number by 7000 Sailors. I know from Navy Personnel Command briefings that the
Army is seriously looking into this event also and I see Robert's comment here about the Coast Guard starting their journey down this road. I just hope that everyone else learns from our misstep and follows a tighter plan to "reshape" the other branches. The biggest hit I have personally seen is with training. We are having a hell of a time getting the ammunition required to keep our armed watch standers qualified according to our current Force Protection Instructions. But I still find myself in the middle of a meeting every quarter with the topic of funding that has mysteriously just become available that we must spend right away. It would be nice to get a grip on this.
SCPO John Lambert
Sorry, I thought I looked over my post a little better then I did before posting it... "beginning"
We're already cutting back on training, and reducing admin support. We've also been told that an aggressive reduction in force plan is being developed and by the end of FY14 we will be selecting and directing people to go to the house.
SCPO John Lambert
Good luck with the Reduction in Force program. I hope you guys come out of it better then we did in the Navy.
I just had a deployment cancelled because Big Army deemed it cheaper to send an active unit in our stead. That really ticked me off. So I believe its happening. I can't speak for active component, but budget cuts put me on the back end of a 5 year rotation. Not cool.
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