Posted on Dec 2, 2015
Is this an isolated incident or is race-baiting the new normal? What impact will such incidences have on race relations in this country?
Kayla-Simone McKelvey, 24, of Union – a black alum who graduated in May – was charged by summons with third-degree creating a false public alarm.
Park said an investigation by the Union County Prosecutor's Office's Special Prosecutions Unit and Kean University police found that McKelvey, a self-proclaimed activist, participated in a student rally to raise awareness of racism on college campuses on Nov. 17, but left midway through and walked to a computer station in a university library. Once there, McKelvey allegedly created an anonymous Twitter account – @keanuagainstblk – and began posting threats of violence against black Kean students.
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Park said an investigation by the Union County Prosecutor's Office's Special Prosecutions Unit and Kean University police found that McKelvey, a self-proclaimed activist, participated in a student rally to raise awareness of racism on college campuses on Nov. 17, but left midway through and walked to a computer station in a university library. Once there, McKelvey allegedly created an anonymous Twitter account – @keanuagainstblk – and began posting threats of violence against black Kean students.
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Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 13
I would recommend public shaming to the Nth degree. A whirlwind of public condemnation to hurt her tender feelings.
Then, expulsion from the school, with her academic record reflecting the reasons she failed every class this semester.
This kind of bull$#!t distracts from the very real issues that exist out there. Making stuff up to drum up attention is pretty beyond the pale.
Then, expulsion from the school, with her academic record reflecting the reasons she failed every class this semester.
This kind of bull$#!t distracts from the very real issues that exist out there. Making stuff up to drum up attention is pretty beyond the pale.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS smdh... twice... The impact this will have on race relations in this country? The "African-American girl" who cried wolf...? smdh one more time...
SN Greg Wright
MSgt Curtis Ellis Makes you want to give her a shake and yell in her face, 'Don't you know the harm you're doing your own cause by doing this!?'.
Smdh with you.
Smdh with you.
Cpl (Join to see)
Unfortunately 1SG (Join to see) our government isn't calling it out for what it is. It gives them incentive to become more active in race/bigot baiting. Several gay people have been caught doing similar false flag activism also.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS - While it may not yet be the norm now, with the publicity and liberal support for the "oppressed", who are allowed to pillage and plunder at will, with the full support of our President and his Administration and the presstitutes in the mainstream media, it will be more and more common. How many of these have we already seen? Quite a few and, while the presstitutes provide round the clock coverage when the incident is first reported, they only continue it when the person/people responsible fit their agenda (white, conservative, pro-life, Christian, etc.). They quickly move to something else when the perpetrator(s) is identified as black, Muslim, liberal, gay, and all the other "protected species".
She should be dealt with harshly. This is not a matter to be taken lightly. Racism exists in ALL RACES....and within the country of INDIA where they still have the CAST system. If you are born into an upper cast you are better off because lower casts are looked down upon, frowned upon and treated very badly...almost like slaves....STILL TODAY! Racism comes in all forms and ALL COLORS.
This girl SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HERSELF and should spend some time locked up to think about her stupidity and the harm it caused and can cause and inflict.
This girl SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HERSELF and should spend some time locked up to think about her stupidity and the harm it caused and can cause and inflict.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS It's unfortunate that she, and others like her who do similar things, won't realize the damage she's done to the very cause she's purporting to support.
It's hard to take steps forward if we take so many backward in the process.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
Yes, and with tensions so high one action can have countless ripples in all directions.
LTC Stephen F.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS - she could have been part of a group of distributed people at different campuses who were trying to disrupt activity before the Christmas break to impact as many students as possible.
In a much worse way she could have been a point person to test the facilities for a later more significant disastrous or terrorist-related activity [domestic or international terrorist].
In a much worse way she could have been a point person to test the facilities for a later more significant disastrous or terrorist-related activity [domestic or international terrorist].
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
LTC Stephen F. - Social media seems to have become the weapon de jour to incite all sorts of harmful behaviors from bullying, suicides, terrorist recruiting and radicalization, and now racial 'swatting' to make a political point.
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