Posted on Apr 11, 2015
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
After watching the video, is it a case of you minding your business or is it now your business to protect the child?
Posted in these groups: 1145cb3 PunishmentOriginal Crime
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Responses: 28
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
Corporal punishment has a time and place and is effective in certain situations. A slap on the hand or a stinging pop on the ass is alright in my book. My parents used it on me and I used it on my children...always as a last resort and not abusive.

Pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to keep my composure. Probably would have ended up with me punching that fool in the face and asking him how he liked it and, if he would like to try that on someone his own size. The man dance would have been on like donkey kong!!!
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
>1 y
A lot of people conveniently "forget" that it wasn't uncommon or abusive to receive a swat on the ass in our generation to correct behaviors. none of us are worse off for it. There are some parents out there that could use one when you see a video like this.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
I would have stepped in. At least to have made a comment about hitting a kid in the head. Rear end, the hand, I have no real issue with as long as it isn't a beating and just a swat. My guess is this is not the first time he did this either. This guy appears to be a time bomb and that kid is going to get hurt.
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
>1 y
I'm with the good Sergeant Major on this. There's nothing wrong with a proper spanking. I probably would have stepped in with a slap to the face also. That's across a line.
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PO1 John Miller
"No telling what that kid already did earlier in the day."

There is absolutely NO reason to EVER physically abuse a child.

As a parent I agree that children should be disciplined but there is a big difference between abuse and discipline. A smack on the hand or swat/paddling of the butt is fine. Punching a child? WRONG ANSWER.

My father in law is a corrections officer in California. I should ask him to ask any friends he may have in Bakersfield corrections to make sure this guy gets "preferential treatment."
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SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
There is no possible way I would have kept my mouth shut. Honestly I probably would've begged him to do that to me! I'm guessing that is the mom? She just took him out of the store without saying a word? And who is behind the surveillance camera that they could just sit record and watch? Glad they did for the evidence but something clearly happened before hand because they were all ready following the kiddo. People like that,.......... ..ggggrrrrrr
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Is this a case of mind your own business, or is it now your business when a man hits a toddler in the face at a grocery store?
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PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
Running up to the toddler and slapping him down on the ground? Are you kidding me? Jerk would have tasted my right hook. Maybe a swat on the butt but knocking him down to the ground? I was raised with spankings and switches and I turned out ok. But when my kids were little I have to say I was paranoid about punishing them in public because it's a different world now than when I was raised.
SPC Jacob Hostetler
SPC Jacob Hostetler
>1 y
I can not really say, what I would have done, But as a father and Grandfather. I would hoped, I would asked if everything was okay.
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COL Charles Williams
Everything is situationally dependent.... I would intervene to help any child or person for that matter.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
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SGT Team Leader
Well, tackle the bastard wasn't an option...
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SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
After watching the video, I wouldn't do anything for one slap. His mom took him outside and the dad walked away. None of my business unless he continued to slap the kid around. Then, I would step in and call the police.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
My dad used to beat the crap out of me wherever we were. I grew up hateful for it, but most of the time I deserved it. It made me a badass in school and out of school. One thing good about it was that I could handle anything the DI's dished out. I got kicked in the gut a few times in basic and I just smiled. No way I would let them know it hurt. This kid is that, just a kid, but I bet he will remember it the next time he runs off. BTW, I never laid a hand on my kids and would have killed anyone who did. I always swore I would not be like my dad and I never have been.
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CMSgt Senior Enlisted Leader
Edited >1 y ago
Few things here, CSM.. As someone who was also raised in a different generation to Olde World (Irish) parents, there were no shortage of ass-clippings anywhere it was necessary as well as the wooden spoon. I say this not as a point of pride, but as parenting tool back then to many.

1) The (assumed) parents look young.
2) The man (father?) appears to have took a running start and almost come up off the ground to lay that poor child out. Big man, the child is probably what, 40-50 lbs if that?
3) The female (mother?), appeared unfazed by the man's actions. This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time this happens to that child. Nor to the impending child as she is pregnant.

Sadly, we will probably see that young boy doing the same to someone else in another video in 15-20 years. God bless (help) that family unit.

As to what I would have done? Hard call. My gut tells me that I would have got my Irish up on that young couple.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
Wow......honestly don't know what I would do.....would love to say i'd step in and try to be the hero...but honestly who wants to get stabbed in a walmart over that.....would probably just following them outside and get description of car and plate number and report it to authorities and let them handle it.  
Capt Logistics Readiness Officer (LRO)
Capt (Join to see)
>1 y
I'm with CPL Doug Hill on this one - never okay. CMSgt (Join to see), I wish I could say that you aren't right in your assumptions. :(
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
Will say that in trying to figure out how to handle this one had better be real sure of what is going on in their surrounding. The protections of the base, military, and your rank or position do not extend as far pass the gates as people's a much different world outside the PX/BX and Commissary and you are dealing with a much different type of people...not saying bad or good....just saying different and if you're not careful you can find yourself in a jam real quick.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
It will be my business as the child is defenseless.
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SSG Christopher Parrish
I'm all for spanking a kid who has earned corporal punishment. I watched the video, that kid looks like he needs some discipline (at a toddler's level) but what that guy did is assault and abuse.

No one should ever smack a kid so that he falls down, even with his apparent momentum. Nor should they yank a kid up by their arms like that. I have a feeling I would have come unhinged and gone after that guy, even worse if that was my kid he did that to.
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