Posted on Jul 15, 2016
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
Here are my thoughts:

Our defense budget in Europe is about to quadruple, heavy NATO forces in Eastern Europe, and the biggest one heavyweight propaganda against America in Russian media, and now the embassador too. It seems Russia wants a fight, but my problem is that they cannot afford it. So the only possible way is nuclear strike. And not just any, but from both coasts with nuclear submarines involved, and a must-have turned off nuclear response. Turning it "off" is a must for this scenario, since otherwise it's a nuclear desert for both sides.
I am interested especially in our Air Forces responds, especially comes to mind that ICBM mishap where 1 something million got lost due to technical error of maintenance. Also artic base of Russian forces comes to mind with possible nuclear submarines location. What are your thoughts?
Posted in these groups: 1ed105b8 RussiaIraq war Warfare
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Responses: 15
LTC Self Employed
Do you want to hear what a female political punk band thinks in Russia? check out Pussy Riot!
They are the thorn in the side of Putin. It is their version of Rage Against the Machine
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM COL Mikel J. Burroughs Col (Join to see) COL John Cole SFC William Farrell SrA Christopher Wright PFC Talal Al-Tunsi
SGT (Join to see) SGT Robert George CPT Pedro Meza
CPT L S CPT Jack Durish PO1 William "Chip" Nagel PO1 John Miller PO2 (Join to see) CPO Tim Dickey
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
8 y
My kind of girls LTC (Join to see). Aren't these the ones who were jailed for some "indecent" act in a church?
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - and they look pretty normal in a Russian/Soviet court room. Girl next door types when not wearing the baclava.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
SFC William Farrell - yes, the Church and the East Orthodox Priests forgave them but not Putin. They were put on a show trial and I think they served 2 or 3 years.. It did get them worldwide attention. They were/are Political prisoners.
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
8 y
Still both of them got 2 or 3 years of jail before that. I think in our USA one would just disappear instead :(
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SFC Motor Transport Operator
DUDE lets hope NOT !!! that would pretty much end us ALL
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SSG Program Control Manager
Unlikely, unless one side or the other commits a gross miscalculation. While both the US and Russia struggle for influence and access to resources... both of us benefit from world trade and have more to lose than gain in War.
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
8 y
SSG (Join to see) - i think Asia- yes, but not Europe, it has Russia as a first next door neighbor. Why would it become just a buffer for America? And Russia been showing it's teeth. England separated too just now. It's like everyone already knows what's up besides USA. USA is just a dying mammoth now.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy - The EU is dominated by Germany and France, and the US is quite popular in both of those countries, I suspect the same is true in Eastern Europe... however I don't have any contacts there, so I'm not going to speculate. With or without the UK, the EU is a major regional power and Russia is trying to flex it's muscles along with China to establish themselves as major regional powers. The US is the only remaining super power and we are on our way to becoming a major regional power instead of a superpower. I don't see that as necessarily being a bad thing, the less we have to do with that soup sandwich known as the middle east the better. Europe is big and strong enough to deal with Russian aggression and in all likelihood China and Russia will soon start bumping heads again.
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
8 y
SSG (Join to see) - i think we are fucked because of Putin. He calculated well, and now America is late with it's own propaganda.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy - If we don't really care about the Ukraine or Georgia... how are we screwed? All Putin is doing is making former Warsaw pact nations awfully glad they signed up for NATO when they did.

Russia faces most of the same Geo-political threats as the US and Europe. Conflict in the Middle East causing global instability, Islamic extremism, climate change, market upheaval caused by disruptive technologies and financial practices.

How Russia deals with Georgia and Ukraine will have a major impact on how it's viewed by the rest of the world, however neither of those states are really a priority for most of the world.
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Is there going to be a war with Russia?
LTC Self Employed
Edited 8 y ago
I see that most of the gas and oil pipelines go to the EU and would Russia want to lose its best and basically only customer? He may gamble on it and he may be a hothead and not care.

Russia may be tempted to grab the Baltics but finally the NATO countries are agreeing to have 2% of its GDP for defense. NATO has been relying on the USA too much. Even Canada is at 0.98% when they promised two years go to up it. It needs to be 2.00% or more.

I do think that Russia is bankrupting itself to be the bully in Europe again now that oil is half of what it was $50 a barrel not $100 like it used to. It cant a full blown war but it may bluff, like Germany, to steal lands from its neighbors. That is why the USA and NATO must be ready in case he tests us.
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
8 y
Exactly what is more to Europe, to be a war buffer between them and US or be friends with Russia; being dependent either way on Russia's gas.
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Capt Daniel Goodman

The whole thing with Russia goes back to at least figure both sides would just simply have gotten bored by now after nearly 100 yrs, you know?
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MSgt Electrical Power Production
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
After reading your responses to some of the answers, I think you are a little paranoid in the thinking of a nuclear response between our two countries. Granted there is much uneasiness between Russia and the U. S. right now. But neither country benefits from a nuclear war. America has much worse problems to deal with right now then Russia and there little games.
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
8 y
war - no, but a destroying USA completely as in wiping out without anything done about it - that looks legit.
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MSG John Duchesneau
We've been talking about going to war with Russia since 1945 - 73 years ago. It hasn't happened and it probably won't.
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CPT Kirill *Russian* Varshavskiy
Putin's Finger On The Nuclear Trigger -- U.S. Sees A Scary Reversal In Russian Policy

Russia builds massive Arctic military base

Turkey manipulating Western media by claiming Russian jet violated NATO airspace - Moscow

US to quadruple defence budget for Europe

USA needs to militarise Asia instead of Europe. Anything close within Russian border in Europe will justify the war. Asia most likely will support US in case of declared war. Given Putin a reason not to use nukes, since he would have to deal with forces moved to Asia. Which essentially would only give USA time to buy.
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SFC Matthew Mason
If democrats get the whitehouse again then yes, Russia will be a serious threat.
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SPC Kirk Gilles
Nope, because Ronald Reagan and I beat them in the Cold War! Soviets never got Kansas while I was there. 1st ID Ft Riley...
Seriously, Putin would like to rebuild the former USSR. Georgian and Ukrainian land grabs were part of that. Putin just cashiered some 80 captains from the navy because he thought they were too soft about the West.
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