Posted on Jan 30, 2016
Is there anything stating women cannot wear their dress uniform instead of a bridal gown?
I've seen this post going around Facebook that's a female SM in blues taking a selfie and the caption reads something along the lines of "why can't I wear my dress uniform to my wedding, I've earned it." This makes no sense to me. There is, insofar as I've been able to find, no such restriction. Am I mistaken in calling BS on this as being yet another social justice warrior bit of false indignation or is there really something out there prohibiting a female SM from wearing their schnazzy blue threads at the alter?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 13
Did the FB post say anything else? Did she actually ask about whether it was authorized or not? I would read her question to mean not that she couldn't wear it by regulation, but more that she was feeling social pressure not to because a lot of wedding traditions revolve around the choosing and wearing of the wedding dress. Like the one about the groom is not supposed to see the bride in her dress prior to the wedding.
Do not, let me say this again, DO NOT contradict a bride on her wedding even less on what she wants to wear!
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Military regulation aside, and regulation does allow it, this statement is a rule all men and women should stick to if they want to live full lives.
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